How to Get a Job as a Bank Teller

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 01:09
A career as a bank teller can be exciting. As a teller you will meet many different people and learn a variety of new skills. If you want to work with money or in a higher position at a bank someday, working as a bank teller is a great way...
Table of contents

A career as a bank teller can be exciting. As a teller you will meet many different people and learn a variety of new skills. If you want to work with money or in a higher position at a bank someday, working as a bank teller is a great way to start. The job isn't for everyone, but if you're committed there's a path to take.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Preparing to Search for a Job

  1. Step 1 Decide what type of bank you would like to work at.
    There are many options. You could work at a small, hometown bank, a national bank, or a regional bank. A regional bank has many branches, but only within a few states. Realize that regional and national banks operate similarly in style whereas hometown banks are more intimate.
  2. Step 2 Ensure that you are qualified for the position.
    Before you can apply, banks will want and expect you to meet certain qualifications. They expect you to have good credit, no criminal record, several professional or personal references, and previous employment they can check on. If nothing else, they’ll want to see how long you worked at your previous job. You’ll also need some basic computer skills, such as understanding how to use the Windows operating system. For most teller jobs, you should have at least a year's worth of experience providing customer service and handling and balancing cash. Sales is a major plus.
    • If you don’t have computer skills, many public libraries offer free classes on the weekends. Enroll in one of these classes.
    • If you don’t have previous customer service experience, try getting an entry level job as a cashier somewhere. If you work as a cashier for six months you’ll have experience with customer service and handling money and you might be able to leverage this into a bank teller position.
    • You might also have to pass a basic math proficiency test. [1]
    • Keep in mind that most bank teller positions require you to have a high school diploma.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Landing an Interview

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Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Acing the Interview

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Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Following Up

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