How to Take Photographs of Cars

Thứ sáu - 26/04/2024 23:11
Do you want to turn those boring snapshots of your car into much stronger photographs that would look great on your wall? Read on for some tips. (If you want to take photographs of cars in action, see How to Photograph Motor Racing or How...
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Do you want to turn those boring snapshots of your car into much stronger photographs that would look great on your wall? Read on for some tips.

(If you want to take photographs of cars in action, see How to Photograph Motor Racing or How to Photograph a Moving Car).


  1. 1
    Get your basic settings right. You can read more over at How to Take Better Photographs, but get these basics right:[1]
  2. 2
    Pick a focal length.[3] Cars have photographic personalities just like people do. Just as some people will look better photographed from a distance with a telephoto and others will by getting up-close and personal, different cars will look better at different zoom settings. Imagine the car was a person: would you want to exaggerate their facial physical features, or de-emphasise them?
  3. 3
    Beware of shininess! It can sometimes be difficult to get a consistent exposure across the whole of a car. The paintwork (hopefully shiny!) will reflect the sky in parts and so will the windscreen, which are extremely bright relative to other parts of the vehicle. Other than bringing in lighting, there's a few ways around this:[4]
  4. 7
    Stop down to f/8 or f/11. This will turn bright points of light into multi-pointed stars.
    • Make sure your camera's automatic ISO feature is off, and shoot at the lowest ISO setting your camera has.
    • Look at the lighting on the vehicle. Artificial lighting will cast harsh shadows on parts of the car which will need to be filled with your own lighting. You'll get used to these once you can remember that you can see much deeper into the shadows than your camera can.
    • Get your flash off the camera. If it has a built-in flash, then use a compact camera, a camera phone, or any old 1980s flash gun, and quickly run around the vehicle firing the flash to fill in any shadows. (A longer exposure gives you plenty of time to do this, which is another reason to stop down to f/8 or f/11).
    • You might want to drop your photograph down to black-and-white when you're done. Artificial outdoor lighting (especially sodium-vapour) is monochromatic enough that you will probably find that your image is almost black-and-white already once you remove the colour cast from your photograph (a bonus is that this also means you won't have to worry about putting coloured filters over your flash to match the ambient artificial lighting).
  5. 8
    Take a variety of photos. Used car buyers will want to know as much about the vehicle as they can. Make sure the photos tell a story of your car - five or more photos is the sweet spot.[9]
  6. Step 10  Edit your photographs with your favourite photo editor.
    If you don't have one, get one; GIMP is free. Some tricks you might want to try are:
  7. Advertisement


  • It is often not legally required to ask permission from the owner of a vehicle if it's parked in a public place, but it is usually a good idea to be polite and ask them anyway.
    Helpful 22 Not Helpful 7
  • Similarly, many owners will be uncomfortable if their photographs are on the Internet with the license plate unredacted. It may not make much sense, but a few seconds of Photoshop (or GIMP) will put their minds at ease.
    Helpful 0 Not Helpful 1

Things You'll Need

  • A car.
  • A camera. Any camera and lens will do.
  • A tripod is mandatory for bracketed exposures and night photography. It's good, but optional, otherwise.
  • A polarising filter (optional).
  • A gradual neutral-density filter is useful to stop the skies from blowing out to cyan or white.
  • Some advanced image editing software. GIMP is free, Photoshop is not.

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