How to Form a Philosophy

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 01:14
Creating a philosophy that reflects your personal values and beliefs A personal philosophy is a framework that helps you understand who you are and make sense of your life. Developing a personal philosophy can be a deeply rewarding life...
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A personal philosophy is a framework that helps you understand who you are and make sense of your life. Developing a personal philosophy can be a deeply rewarding life experience. Forming your own philosophy isn't always easy, but we're here to help you along this exciting journey. Read on to learn the ABCs of discovering and creating your own philosophy.


Choose a type of philosophy.

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Be patient and allow your ideas to percolate over time.

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  • As a philosopher, you are a lover of wisdom and the truth. Don't hold back just because you are afraid of the consequences – if the great philosophers over time had done so, there would be no philosophy for us to live by and learn from. Sometimes you just have to accept that people won't understand where you're coming from, nor even why you are so impassioned about something they really don't understand.
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  • Don't be upset or discouraged if other people don't agree with your ideas. Remember that an important part of thinking philosophically is understanding conflicting points of view.
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  • Isolation and loneliness can be a result of your more mature outlook and perhaps radical opinion, but do not wallow in self-pity. Pick yourself up and find like-minded people and remember the truth is more important than fearing other people's opinions of you.
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Things You'll Need

  • Notebook and pen
  • Writings of other philosophers
  • Access to living philosophers and deep thinkers

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