How to Water Air Plants

How to Water Air Plants

 01:11 27/04/2024

Air plants, also known as Tillandsia, are popular, low-maintenance houseplants that don't grow in soil. Instead, they pull the bulk of their needed nutrients from the air! To keep your air plant healthy and happy, it needs water about once...
How to Stop Touching Your Face

How to Stop Touching Your Face

 01:11 27/04/2024

Touching your face can cause clogged pores and spread acne-causing bacteria. One of the worst habits you can have when dealing with acne is continually touching your face—or worse, picking at it! Break the habit of touching or picking your...
How to Celebrate Pi Day

How to Celebrate Pi Day

 01:10 27/04/2024

Pi is a mathematical constant that is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, or simply the circumference divided by the diameter. It is also one of the most revered mathematical constants in the known world. Pi Day was...
How to Choose a Good Book

How to Choose a Good Book

 01:09 27/04/2024

Looking to find that perfect book? Whether you're an avid reader or just hopping onto the reading train, choosing a good book to read can seem like an overwhelming task, especially with so many books to choose from. Luckily, you've come to...
How to Mail a Postcard

How to Mail a Postcard

 01:09 27/04/2024

Sending a postcard home shows your friends and family that you're thinking of them. It can be a great way to preserve a snapshot of your time in an exciting and foreign locale. The process of sending a postcard is fundamentally similar to...
How to Develop Training Materials

How to Develop Training Materials

 01:08 27/04/2024

Training materials are a necessary part of any program or activity that involves knowledge acquisition and retention. The best approach to developing instructional materials is to start by examining the training plan and available...
9 Strategies to Deal Diplomatically with Difficult Family Members

9 Strategies to Deal Diplomatically with Difficult Family Members

 01:08 27/04/2024

Since you can't choose your family members, there's bound to be a couple of them who know how to push your buttons. Fortunately, there are a few tips and tricks you can use to remain diplomatic, even during a difficult conversation. Keep...
How to Get a Part Time Job

How to Get a Part Time Job

 00:20 27/04/2024

While academics are always important, money can be an issue when it comes to a full schedule. Getting a part time job is a great way to build your resume, form business relationships, get referrals, and earn money. You can find part time...
How to Make Your Own TV Show

How to Make Your Own TV Show

 23:23 26/04/2024

Getting into the television industry is notoriously difficult, but the advent of cheap technology and internet distribution has made it easier than ever to get views. Almost anyone can get noticed, but it takes a lot of commitment and hard...
How to Play Unstable Unicorns

How to Play Unstable Unicorns

 23:23 26/04/2024

If you want to spice up your game night, Unstable Unicorns is a fun and strategic card game for up to 8 people. During the game, you'll try to be the first player to play 7 Unicorns into your play area, but your opponents can play cards to...