How to Make Peanut Butter

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 01:08
To start making fresh peanut butter, remove your peanuts from their shells and rinse them under cool water. Then, place your peanuts in a food processor and grind them for about 3 minutes or until the paste is creamy. To add extra flavor, mix in small amounts of salt, white sugar, brown sugar, molasses, or honey to taste. When you’re done, place your peanut butter in an airtight jar and store it in a fridge for a few weeks. For tips on baking with your peanut butter, read on!
Table of contents

Peanut butter is a delicious spread commonly used in sandwiches, baked goods, candy, and even milkshakes. Making peanut butter at home can help you save money while creating a healthier, tastier snack.


  • 2 cups (470 ml) peanuts
  • 1 12 teaspoons (7 ml) peanut oil or vegetable oil (optional)
  • 12 teaspoon (2 ml) sugar (optional)
  • 1 12 teaspoons (7 ml) molasses, honey, or brown sugar (optional)
  • pinch of salt (optional)

Makes about 1 12 cups (350 ml) of peanut butter

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Making Peanut Butter

  1. Step 1 Prepare the peanuts.
    Before you use your peanuts to make peanut butter, you should rinse them under cool water to get rid of any excess dirt. You can then pat them dry. If they're unshelled, then you should shell them by hand, which is a bit easier when they're dry; they don't have to be perfectly shelled, either.
    • Spanish peanuts are a good choice for peanut butter due to the high oil content.[1]
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Make Peanut Butter
    Some people prefer to roast their peanuts before processing them, to give them that additional crispy, crunchy flavor. However, this is completely optional and does make the process take quite a bit longer, so it's up to you to decide whether or not you want to roast them; you can also buy pre-toasted peanuts. If you do decide to roast them, however, then here is what you'll need to do:[2]
    • Place the peanuts in a bowl and lightly toss them with the peanut or vegetable oil.
    • Preheat your oven to 350°F (176°C).
    • Spread the peanuts on a single layer on a baking pan. You want to make sure they aren't on top of each other so they are fairly evenly cooked.
    • Cook them for about 10 minutes, until they're lightly covered in oil and are golden brown.
    • If you'd like, you can gently shake the pan they're in every 2 minutes or so to take extra precautions against burning.
  3. Step 3 Pulse your peanuts in a food processor until they are ground.
    This should take just a few pulses. For best results, do this while the peanuts are still warm.[3]
  4. Step 4 Process your peanuts for 1 minute.
    The mixture should begin to look more creamy and more like that peanut butter you've been craving.
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Make Peanut Butter
    Continue processing the mixture, processing for 1 minute, scraping it off the sides of the processor, and repeating, until it is of your desired consistency. At least 3 minutes of processing should do the trick.
    • Just remember that this peanut butter will never look as creamy as the kind you may be used to from Jiffy. That's because it's more natural. Don't expect that it will ever look as creamy as it can from the jar—though it will taste more delicious!
  6. Step 6 Scrape the peanut butter into a bowl when you're done.
    Use a big spoon to do this.
  7. Watermark wikiHow to Make Peanut Butter
    Taste your peanut butter and see if it needs a bit more salt and sugar. If it tastes the way you like it, then there's no need to add salt or sugar!
  8. Step 8 Add small quantities...
    Add small quantities of brown sugar, molasses, or honey, if you prefer a sweeter taste. You can also substitute molasses or honey for sugar, if you like. Some people prefer to place these ingredients in the processor and to blend them together with the peanuts; it depends on whether or not your processor will be able to handle all of the honey or other ingredients.
    • If you're adding these ingredients by hand, then make sure to stir them until they are thoroughly incorporated.
  9. Step 9 Spoon peanut butter into an airtight container.
    Store in the refrigerator for a day or two so it can set in to a lovely peanut butter paste. Of course, the shelf life of homemade peanut butter is shorter than commercial counterparts, but chances are, your homemade peanut butter will have all been gobbled up even before you get the chance to consider its storage life!
    • You can store this kind of peanut butter in the fridge for up to a few weeks.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Using Your Peanut Butter in Recipes

  1. Step 1 Make a peanut...
    Make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. What better use for your tasty peanut butter than a classic PB&J? You can stick to the original recipe or add some extra frills for an added delight.
  2. Step 2 Make peanut butter...
    Make peanut butter cookies. You can make these easy, tasty cookies with your peanut butter, some flour, brown sugar, and a few additional ingredients. These cookies are even more delicious when enjoyed with a glass of milk!
  3. Step 3 Make peanut butter balls
    . If you're looking for a rich, decadent peanut-butter flavored treat that you can pop in your mouth, then this is the recipe for you. All you'll need is your peanut butter, some powdered sugar, chocolate chips, and just a few ingredients.
  4. Step 4 Make homemade peanut butter cups
    . If you want to make your own delicious peanut butter cups with your own peanut butter, all you really need is some chocolate, your peanut butter, and some molds for shaping those cups.
  5. Step 5 Make peanut butter soup.
    Who says you have to use your peanut butter for sweets? You can make a yummy peanut butter soup with only milk, cinnamon, and your own tasty peanut butter.
  6. Step 6 Make Oreo and peanut butter brownie cakes
    . This creative and delicious dessert is made with peanut butter, Oreos, butter, flour, and a few other key ingredients.
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