How to Make a Rubber Mold

Thứ sáu - 26/04/2024 23:11
Maybe you want to preserve a special toy by making a duplicate of it, or are curious if the details of a leaf can be reproduced several times. No matter the reason, creating a rubber mold is a great way to learn a new skill while creating...
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Maybe you want to preserve a special toy by making a duplicate of it, or are curious if the details of a leaf can be reproduced several times. No matter the reason, creating a rubber mold is a great way to learn a new skill while creating something unique. By gathering the right supplies and following simple directions, you'll be a rubber mold-making expert in no time.

A Guide to Make a Rubber Mold at Home

  • Pick an object you want to set in mold and glue it to the base of a disposable container.
  • Seal the container with Super Seal or Krylon, then spray a releasing agent over the object and container for easy removal.
  • Prepare the molding mixture and pour it into the container. Wait 18-24 hours for the rubber to set completely before removing the object from the mold.
Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Gathering the Mold-Making Supplies

  1. Step 1 Find an object that you wish to set in your mold.
    This could be a pinecone, toy figurine, bouncy ball, or any other relatively small object that you wish to duplicate. Don't worry about your object being too detailed - rubber molds are great at catching very intricate designs, so the details on your object should show up perfectly.[1]
    • If you decide to pick a porous object, such as an object made of wood or plaster, you'll need to seal it before you create the mold.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Preparing the Rubber Mold

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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Creating Your Rubber Mold

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  • Be sure to create your mold in an area with ventilation, and wear gloves and a mask over your mouth and nose if you're worried about the compounds affecting your body.
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  • Make sure you read product safety sheets and directions. In addition to following proper safety precautions, be sure to use products that are compatible with each other so that you do not ruin the materials and waste money.
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