Video: Top 3 Tips for a Healthy Face

Video: Top 3 Tips for a Healthy Face

 23:24 05/05/2024

As skincare routines get more and more complicated, it can feel like you need an arsenal of products to get clear, healthy skin. With so many serums, exfoliators, and creams on the market, how do you know what the essentials of a good...
Overstimulation: How to Stop & Prevent It

Overstimulation: How to Stop & Prevent It

 01:15 27/04/2024

The best ways to stop being overstimulatedOverstimulation is a state caused by too much sensory input. Everything around you triggers one or more of your senses, and when too much information is being processed at once, you can quickly...
How to Follow Your Intuition

How to Follow Your Intuition

 01:15 27/04/2024

Intuition is "knowing" something without being able to explain how you came to that conclusion rationally. It's that mysterious "gut feeling" or "instinct" that often turns out to be right, in retrospect. When you've whittled down your...
How to Have Hope

How to Have Hope

 01:15 27/04/2024

Do you often find yourself struggling to see any meaning or purpose in your day-to-day activities? Do you want to break out of bad habits but can't find the desire to do so? Hope might seem like a vague word with perhaps little to no...
How to Match Clothes With White Pants

How to Match Clothes With White Pants

 01:15 27/04/2024

White pants are classic, crisp, and versatile.
How to Wear Pajama Pants

How to Wear Pajama Pants

 01:15 27/04/2024

When you think of pajama pants, you probably think of slouchy, oversized flannel pants that you'd wear to bed and nowhere else. However, pajama pants are making their way to the streets and even being worn in high fashion. If you'd like to...
How to Raise a Cat

How to Raise a Cat

 01:15 27/04/2024

Raising a cat requires that you provide not only for their most basic needs, such as food and a clean litter box, but also for their health, comfort, and mind. If you are interested in raising a cat, take the time to understand the...
How to Understand Stoicism

How to Understand Stoicism

 01:15 27/04/2024

If you ever heard of Stoicism and wanted to know more, this article might help you to understand this school of philosophy and maybe become one. Read about the origin of Stoicism. It's a philosophy from the Graeco-Roman period of classical...
Evacuating a Building: Creating a Plan & Staying Safe in Emergencies

Evacuating a Building: Creating a Plan & Staying Safe in Emergencies

 01:14 27/04/2024

Your guide to staying safe in any building during any crisis When an emergency such as a fire, flood, or gas leak breaks out you need to be prepared to evacuate. Whether you're at school, in the workplace, or in any other public space,...
The Best Ways to Encourage Your Husband to Help with Chores

The Best Ways to Encourage Your Husband to Help with Chores

 01:14 27/04/2024

Dividing up household chores can often be a point of contention among couples. Often one person may feel like they end up doing more or all of the chores themselves without much help from their partner. This can lead to resentment and...