This article was co-authored by Rob Wu. Rob Wu is the CEO of CauseVox, a digital fundraising platform designed for nonprofits. CauseVox works to help do-gooders raise more money with less effort. Rob has raised over $200,000 for his own nonprofit crowdfunding projects, and his work has been recognized by CNN, Christian Science Monitor, and the Wall Street Journal.
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Fundraising for charity is an important part of any nonprofit group's work. In the U.S. alone, donors gave almost $287 billion in 2011.[1]
Many people who work for nonprofits feel uncomfortable asking donors for money, but without their help most nonprofit groups would not be able to carry out their missions. Learning how to effectively and respectfully ask wealthy individuals for money can help you ensure your charity or favorite nonprofit, federally recognized as 501 (c) (3), group prospers and is able to help those in need.Related