Video: Can I have a hypoallergenic pet if I'm allergic?

Video: Can I have a hypoallergenic pet if I'm allergic?

 23:24 05/05/2024

If you're allergic to cats and dogs, you've probably thought about adding a hypoallergenic furry friend to your family. But do hypoallergenic pets really not trigger allergies? In this video, allergist Alan O. Khadavi clears up the...
Video: What everyday mistakes do people make that lead to pain later in life?

Video: What everyday mistakes do people make that lead to pain later in life?

 23:24 05/05/2024

Pain and injury later in life can actually be traced back to your daily habits when you're younger. Avoiding certain mistakes now can help set you up for a more pain-free future. In this video, family medicine practitioner David Schechter...
Video: How can I help someone with hyperthyroidism?

Video: How can I help someone with hyperthyroidism?

 23:24 05/05/2024

If someone you know has hyperthyroidism, you're probably eager to help, but you might not be sure how. In this video, endocrinologist Damaris Vega shares the number one best thing you can do for someone who is experiencing hyperthyroidism....
Video: Top 3 Tips for a Healthy Face

Video: Top 3 Tips for a Healthy Face

 23:24 05/05/2024

As skincare routines get more and more complicated, it can feel like you need an arsenal of products to get clear, healthy skin. With so many serums, exfoliators, and creams on the market, how do you know what the essentials of a good...
Video: How can you incorporate Tai Chi into your daily routine?

Video: How can you incorporate Tai Chi into your daily routine?

 23:24 05/05/2024

Practicing tai chi comes with all kinds of physical and mental benefits, like improved flexibility and decreased stress. Making tai chi part of your daily routine can help you get the most out of it, and in this video, Certified Tai Chi...
Video: Are you born with food allergies or can you develop them over your lifetime?

Video: Are you born with food allergies or can you develop them over your lifetime?

 23:24 05/05/2024

Children and adults can be allergic to all kinds of different foods, but where do those allergies come from? Are you born with food allergies, or can you develop them later in life? In this video, allergist Katie Marks-Cogan breaks down...
Video: How do you diagnose and treat a food allergy?

Video: How do you diagnose and treat a food allergy?

 23:24 05/05/2024

Diagnosing a food allergy is best done by visiting a board-certified allergist. In this video, Dr. Katie Marks-Cogan outlines the three methods allergists use to diagnose a potential food allergy in a patient, using multiple data points to...
Video: How do you train for skiing in the off season?

Video: How do you train for skiing in the off season?

 23:24 05/05/2024

Training for skiing during the off-season ensures you're ready to go when it's time to hit the slopes again. Things like running and lifting weights will help you stay in good shape overall, but if you really want to train for skiing...
Video: How do you bring a pimple to the surface?

Video: How do you bring a pimple to the surface?

 23:24 05/05/2024

You've probably been told over and over again to avoid popping your pimples, but sometimes a pimple is so big or irritating that waiting for it to go away on its own just isn't an option. Bringing a pimple to the surface can give you...
How to Be a Computer Geek

How to Be a Computer Geek

 23:24 05/05/2024

Little known to most, there are many benefits to being a computer geek. In our high-tech society, being a computer guru can be one of the most high paying jobs available and computer geeks are in high demand, especially for network...