How to Calculate Cumulative Growth

Thứ sáu - 26/04/2024 23:11
Cumulative growth is a term used to describe a percentage of increase over a set period of time. Cumulative growth can be used to measure growth in the past and, thereby, to plan for population growth, estimate organic cell growth, measure...
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Cumulative growth is a term used to describe a percentage of increase over a set period of time. Cumulative growth can be used to measure growth in the past and, thereby, to plan for population growth, estimate organic cell growth, measure sales growth, and so on. It is a useful descriptive tool in figuring out how growth has developed over time or how growth will continue to develop. Investors, marketers, and business planners need to know how to calculate cumulative growth, often expressed as CAGR (cumulative average growth rate), because it appears frequently in the financial sections of companies' annual reports.[1] The following article discusses several ways to go about finding and using CAGR.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Calculating CAGR Manually

  1. Step 1 Identify the values needed to calculate CAGR.
    In order to calculate CAGR, you will need a few essential values. This includes the starting value, ending or finishing value, and the period of time over which you wish to measure growth.
    • Determine the starting value (SV) of an asset, for example, the price paid for a share of stock.
    • Determine the ending value (EV) or current market value of that asset.
    • Determine the period of time (T) you want to study, for example, the number of years, months, quarters, etc.[2]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Calculating CAGR Using a Computer

  1. Step 2 Calculate CAGR using Microsoft Excel.
    Another simple way to calculate CAGR is to used Microsoft Excel. Other spreadsheet programs will likely perform this function just as well, but may require different formula structures. See help guides for these programs to learn how to perform these functions. In any case, start by inputting your values (SV, EV, and T) into cells in a new spreadsheet. For example, put SV into A1, EV into B1, and T into C1.
    • The easiest way to calculate CAGR in Excel is to simply enter the CAGR formula into a fourth cell. This requires entering the following into D1 (or any other cell you see fit): =((B1/A1)^(1/C1))-1. Excel will complete the calculations for you and the result will be presented in whichever cell you choose for the equation.[5]
    • An alternate method of calculating CAGR in excel uses the POWER function, which calculates equations using exponents. For this calculation, create a cell for the formula and enter: =POWER(B1/A1,(1/C1))-1. Again, the answer should appear in this cell after you press enter.[6]
    • Additionally, Excel can calculate CAGR by using the RATE function. Input this formula into a new cell by entering the following: =RATE(C1,-A1,B1). Press enter and Excel will display the answer.[7]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Using CAGR to Predict Cumulative Growth

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