How to Convert MBR to GPT Disk with AOMEI Partition Assistant

Thứ hai - 06/05/2024 00:02
Now that MBR has many limitations and GPT has many advantages. Why not convert MBR to GPT disk? Run AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard Edition. Select the data disk(Disk 2) you want to convert, right click then select "Convert to GPT Disk"...
Table of contents

Now that MBR has many limitations and GPT has many advantages. Why not convert MBR to GPT disk?


Limitations of MBR

  • MBR disks support up to 2TB
  • Supports only four primary partitions

Advantages of GPT disk

  • GPT disks support larger than 2TB
  • GPT disks allow an almost unlimited number of partitions(Windows: 128), as well as unlimited primary partitions
  • Every partition on GPT disk can has a name which is different from partition label.
Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Convert MBR to GPT with AOMEI Partition Assistant

  1. Step 1 Run AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard Edition.
    Select the data disk(Disk 2) you want to convert, right click then select "Convert to GPT Disk" in the drop-down menu.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Convert MBR to GPT with "diskpart.exe"

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