How to Move Out at 16

Thứ sáu - 26/04/2024 23:11
Moving out of your family's house before you turn 18 is a big decision. Depending on your current stage of life, you may be thinking about moving out for several reasons. Before taking any drastic action, take a moment to weigh your...
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Moving out of your family’s house before you turn 18 is a big decision. Depending on your current stage of life, you may be thinking about moving out for several reasons. Before taking any drastic action, take a moment to weigh your options so that you can move out in a safe and legal way.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Emancipating Yourself

  1. Step 1 Research the age of majority for your country.
    If you want to move out and be completely independent of your parents or guardians, you may want to consider legal emancipation. While most places declare 18 to be the age of majority, or legal independence, there are some places that offer exceptions for emancipation without an intense legal process.[1]
    • In some places, being married at 16 will automatically emancipate you.[2]
    • In other places, enlisting in the military before turning 18 may grant you emancipation.[3]
    • You will need to have your parent or guardian agree to your emancipation decision, as they will likely have to sign consent forms later on.
  2. Move Out at 16 Step 2.jpeg
    Have a stable and consistent income. In order to be emancipated and be able to move out at age 16, you will need to prove to the court that you have a source of income.[4] It’s important to keep in mind that minors fall under specific child labor laws, which prevent teens from working long hours.[5]
  3. Move Out at 16 Step 3.jpeg
    Find a safe place to live. As you plan the legal emancipation process, you should have some idea of where you’re planning to stay.[6] Depending on where you live, there may be different requirements on how a teenager can enter a housing contract.[7]
    • In some places, a teenager can void any contract that is not vital to their daily living situation.[8]
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    Enact a plan for completing your public education. Depending on where you live, you may have to stay in school.[9] Make sure that your new housing situation is situated near a school, so that you don’t fall behind on any of your education.
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    Fill out all of the necessary paperwork. When you go through the emancipation process, there’s a variety of forms that you will need to sign. Many of these forms will have to be signed by your parent or guardian. Although these forms may differ by location, you should be able to find all of the documents you’ll need online.
    • Depending on where you live, some of these documents may have to be signed by a legal third party (i.e, a notary).
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    Apply for emancipation in court. Once you have double-checked that you meet all of your country’s requirements for legal emancipation, submit your emancipation request at your local court. You will need to prove your financial and housing status during this process.[10]
    • You can use a bank statement to prove your financial status.[11]
    • The court proceedings for emancipation can take up to half a year.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Moving Without Being Emancipated

  1. Move Out at 16 Step 7.jpeg
    Try coming to an agreement with your parents or guardians first. If you want to move out but do not want to legally emancipate yourself, try to reach an agreement with your parents or guardians. Depending on the circumstances, your family may support your desire to move out.[12] It may also help for you to have an idea where you would plan on staying before seriously discussing the prospect of moving out.[13]
    • If possible, consider living or moving in with someone else. Extended isolation can negatively contribute to your physical and emotional health.[14]
    • If you want to prepare to move out, begin with all the behaviors that you would need to take care of outside your parent's home.[15]
    • You should start doing them several months before you move out. For example, learn to do grocery shopping, laundry, and pay rent.
    • You may find that you have questions regarding them, and it is better to address those while you are still in your family's home.[16]
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    Ask to stay with a family member if your parents won't let you live alone. If your parents won’t let you live on your own, consider moving in with another relative. You will have to have a discussion with your parents or guardians as well as the family member in question to confirm these changes.
    • In most places, it’s illegal for minors to stay with a family member without the permission of their parents or guardians.[17]
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    See if you can live with a trusted friend if you don't have a family to go to. If your parents or guardians are uncomfortable with you living alone or with another family member, talk to a trusted friend and see if you can live with them instead. You could offer to pay your friend rent or do work around their home in exchange for living with them. Even if they only let you stay for a few weeks or months, it could still be a nice break away from home.
    • If you are moving in with a friend’s family, make sure that everyone in your friend’s household is okay with the change.[18]
  4. Step 4 Avoid running away from home.
    As frustrating as your current living situation may seem, running away is not a good solution. You definitely don’t want to enter any new living situation unprepared. Teens who run away from home are more likely to develop drug addictions or turn to criminal activity.
    • If you are thinking about running away, consider reaching out to a hotline or trusted individual to discuss your situation.[19]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Living Independently

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    Look into the renting laws for minors where you live. If you have made the decision to live independently, you will want to look at the apartment rental options nearest to you. While some places allow minors to rent apartments, it is important for you to understand the legal and financial renting laws for your location.
    • Depending on your situation, consider co-signing a lease with your parent or guardian (or another trusted adult) in case you run into future financial issues.[20]
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    Search online to find apartment rentals. Websites like Housing Anywhere can connect you with rental options in hundreds of different cities. When searching online, be sure to have an idea of when you plan on moving in, as well as how long you plan on staying in the apartment.[21]
    • If you’re having difficulty finding an apartment but still want to live on your own, consider looking into nearby shelters and outreach groups near you.
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    Look for a part-time job so you can support yourself on your own. Due to child labor restrictions, you probably won’t be able to work full-time until you reach your country’s age of majority. Check online for part-time job opportunities near your location. On many sites, you’ll have to specify that you’re a teenager.[22]
    • You can also make money without having a steady job. Dog walking and yard work are possible ways you can make some cash.[23]
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    Come up with budget to help manage your money. Depending on your new living situation, you may have some new bills to take care of each month, like electric, water, rent, and food. Consider creating a budget that helps you set aside money for your necessities so you're able to support yourself.
    • Use Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets to make a spreadsheet of your budget. This will make it easier to divide up your rent, food, and other costs by month.[24]
    • Once you have set aside money for the essentials, you can begin saving up for more fun items (i.e, shopping, fast food, etc.).
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    Develop a good support system. While moving out can be a great sign of independence, it’s important that you stay connected with other people. If you don’t have friends or family to contact in times of stress, consider branching out and participating in group activities, like a sport or club.[25]
    • Many public places(i.e, churches, community centers) have resources that will help you stay connected socially.[26]
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  • If you feel endangered by your current living situation, call the National Runaway Safeline at 1-800-RUNAWAY or contact emergency services.
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