How to Not Get Creeped out by a Chain Letter

Chủ nhật - 05/05/2024 23:24
You come home from school or work. You take off your shoes, turn on the TV and check your email. You look around and see a message. You read it and you realize it's a piece of chain mail with a threat! If you don't forward it to 10 people,...
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You come home from school or work. You take off your shoes, turn on the TV and check your email. You look around and see a message. You read it and you realize it's a piece of chain mail with a threat! If you don't forward it to 10 people, you'll get a frightening consequence. What to do? This how-to explains how to deal with this (this also works on comments on such sites as YouTube).

Sample Chain Letters

Sample Emotional Chain Letter
Sample Scary Chain Letter
Method 1
Method 1 of 1:

Avoiding Getting Creeped Out

  1. Step 1 Think:
    What is the chain mail?[1] Is it, "BBQ at my house! I won't like if you don't come!"? If it is, you're fine (it's not really an alarming thing, just a friend who expects you to show up and might be sore at you if you don't). If not, continue on.
  2. Step 3 Stay rational and sensible.
    Often the email or comment will be some story, commonly about some monster or fictional dead kid attacking people. Don't lose your head and get scared. There's no such thing as monsters, you've known that since you were small. No chain letter is going to cause one to blip into existence to kill you or anyone else. You know dead people are dead, and can't go around attacking you, pulling you down some nonexistent well or do any of the things these supposedly creepy chain letters claim. None of these creepy stories forwards can actually cause that to happen, either. If you choose to read it, keep in mind the fact that every one of these scary chain email stories are absolutely untrue. Keep thinking this as you read it.
    Take a step back to decompress. "I always get sent these or memes with a scary picture saying you'll die at 3 AM if you don't re-post, and it freaks me out. This helped calm my nerves and take my mind off it." - Clarissa I.
    See the humor in it. "This made me feel a lot safer. I got a chainmail on Facebook, and it gave me an example of someone who 'died' as well, I find it funny after reading this. I've even shown this to some of my friends." - Deborah Y.
    Take a moment to breathe. "This really helped me be less scared and realize it's fake. I got a chain letter and reposted it to 15 people out of a panic. When I searched online and realized the letter was fake, I started to calm down. I never repost them anymore and, instead, I delete them." - Carly S.
    Talk through the fear. "This helped my little sibling get over her fear of the chain letter she got yesterday about a ghost. At first she was hysterical, screaming that she is scared, but I showed her this and sat down to talk to her about it, and she is fine after not sending it." - Azlyn B.
    Remember these aren't real. "I was recently seeing more of these posts. I would be scrolling through Twitter, and I would come across a post saying, "If you don't send this to 20 people, a girl will come and kill you at 3 AM." I looked this article up and it helped a lot! I know now that these are fake." - Rae J.
    Did you know that wikiHow has collected over 365,000 reader stories since it started in 2005? We’d love to hear from you! Share your story here.
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  • If you want to reply back, you should think of the possibilities of how they will react. Make the decision carefully and decide how you'll handle it if they take your reply badly. If they scream at you for replying back, telling them the chain letter is junk and not worth getting creeped out over, then you're probably better off without them as a friend, and it's their fault for being such a dunce and choosing to believe a rubbish chain email over you who they were supposed to think of as their friend.
    Helpful 11 Not Helpful 0
  • Do not click on any links or open any enclosed files. Some hackers still use chain letters to spread malware.
    Helpful 7 Not Helpful 0
  • Don't tell the police unless the situation is dire or you feel very suspicious. Try to think it out before acting.
    Helpful 6 Not Helpful 0

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