How to Use 7Zip to Create Self Extracting excutables

Chủ nhật - 05/05/2024 23:59
7-Zip is a handy little tool that allows you to manipulate the most common types of archive files. This article explains how to use it to create a self-extracting archive, which is an archive that extracts all files to a directory upon its...
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7-Zip is a handy little tool that allows you to manipulate the most common types of archive files. This article explains how to use it to create a self-extracting archive, which is an archive that extracts all files to a directory upon its opening.


  1. Step 1 WH.performance.clearMarks('image1_rendered'); WH.performance.mark('image1_rendered');...
    Open 7Zip File manager (7zFM.exe)
  2. Advertisement


  • Don't open an .exe if you are not sure of its origin. In this case, it is not a problem, since you created the .exe file in the first place because you know what it will do.
    Helpful 5 Not Helpful 1
  • Use anti-virus software to protect your computer from malicious software, and to scan the files prior to putting them in the archive.
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Things You'll Need

  • 7zip

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