How to Record Video Gameplay With No Capture Card

Thứ hai - 06/05/2024 00:02
Recording and sharing gameplay has become a very popular pastime for many players. The increase in popularity of video sites such as YouTube and Twitch have opened up a whole new audience for video game footage. The newest game consoles...
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Recording and sharing gameplay has become a very popular pastime for many players. The increase in popularity of video sites such as YouTube and Twitch have opened up a whole new audience for video game footage. The newest game consoles come equipped with DVR technology that allows you to record several minutes of gameplay footage without a capture card. If you play on a computer, there are free programs you can use to record your gameplay. Windows and Mac also have built-in methods of recording video. If you're using an older console and don't have access to a capture card, you can use a video camera or smartphone to record your gameplay.

Method 1
Method 1 of 8:

Using Game Bar on Windows

  1. Step 1 Ensure Game Bar is turned on.
    Game Bar is Windows' built-in video game recording system. Before you can use it to record games, use the following steps to ensure Game Bar is turned on:
    • Click the Windows Start menu.
    • Click the Gear/Settings Icon.
    • Click Gaming.
    • Ensure the toggle switch below "Xbox Game Bar" is turned on.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 8:

Using OBS on Windows, Mac, & Linux

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Method 3
Method 3 of 8:

Using Playstation 5

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Method 4
Method 4 of 8:

Using PlayStation 4

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Method 5
Method 5 of 8:

Using Xbox Series X/S

  1. Step 4 Select Record what happened.
    It's the first option in the Capture & Share menu. This displays a menu that allows you to select if you want to record the last 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 45 seconds, 1 minute, or 2 minutes.
    • Alternatively, you can press and hold the Share button on your controller to save the last 30 seconds of gameplay. The Share button is in the center of the Xbox Series X controller and has an icon that resembles a box with an arrow pointing up. You can change how much time this saves in the "Capture Settings" menu at the bottom of the Capture & Share menu. By default, you can save 30 seconds of 4K video, 1 minute of HD video, or 3 minutes of video a 720p resolution.
    • If you have an external hard, you can save up to 1 hour of gameplay footage. Your external hard drive must have a USB 3.0 connection and be formatted in NTFS file format. Once your hard drive is connected using a free USB port, select "Capture Settings" at the bottom of the Capture & Share menu. Then select your external hard drive under "Capture Location."[4]
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Method 6
Method 6 of 8:

Using Xbox One

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Method 7
Method 7 of 8:

Using Nintendo Switch

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Method 8
Method 8 of 8:

Using a Video Camera or Smartphone

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