How to Refurbish a Computer

Thứ hai - 06/05/2024 00:02
If you have an old computer sitting around that does not work, it doesn't have to stay that way. You can repair it and get it working again, and upgrade it, using the following steps. Look at it. Yes, just look at the computer. Look at it...
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If you have an old computer sitting around that does not work, it doesn't have to stay that way. You can repair it and get it working again, and upgrade it, using the following steps.


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  • Don't spend more money than it's worth. If the motherboard, CPU, or PSU is dead, and you can't buy another for just 5 bucks, the computer probably isn't worth it. Don't give up, there are probably many people in your area with old computers that they'd like to sell for a few bucks, or, if you're lucky, hauled away for free.
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  • Remember where you removed parts from. If possible, try taking a photograph of the inside of the computer and keep it handy so you can remember where the parts go (just in case you forget).
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  • Be careful working inside the case. A static electrical discharge could fry the whole computer.
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  • Don't buy parts freely. Not everything is compatible with any computer, especially an old one.
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  • When you include hardware or software with your computer, make sure it works. The hardware should be compatible, and the computer should meet the minimum requirements. The software should run on that operating system, and the computer should meet the minimum requirements.
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