How to Start a Revolution

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 01:10
To create a revolution, you need to unite people around a shared purpose. It's possible to start a revolution, although it can take a lot of patience, organization, and passion. It will be more likely to succeed if you don't wing it. A...
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To create a revolution, you need to unite people around a shared purpose. It’s possible to start a revolution, although it can take a lot of patience, organization, and passion. It will be more likely to succeed if you don’t wing it. A revolution (from the Latin revolutio, "a turnaround") is a significant change that usually occurs in a short period of time.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Picking a Theme

  1. 1
    Find a central theme around which to organize your revolution.
    • You need to find such a central truth, whatever the revolution you are seeking. Find a way, in a simple sentence, to articulate your cause as a theory. Find a common purpose, and define it. Create a clear and eloquent message. What does your revolution stand for? What does it want to accomplish and why? Create a simple and powerful message that you can push out consistently.[1]
    • You will want a cause that connects to people’s deepest passions and their sense of right and wrong. Anchor this in what really matters and how it will create a better world.[2]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Finding Followers

  1. Step 2 Recruit activists.
    You need the people who will organize and lead the movement. These people must be committed and willing to work in the trenches and to devote their hearts and time to the cause. Motivate people to join because they believe in the cause. Give presentations at coffee houses or music stores or other places where you think receptive audiences congregate.
    • The organizational team will require people with different skills and techniques. They will know how to interact with the media and how to get the masses to turn out for a protest. The average people might relate more to people like them than a charismatic leader. If they see other people they know or relate to joining in, they will feel more comfortable doing so themselves.[4]
    • You cannot create a revolution with a single person. You need to remember the ground game. Creating a revolution is a painstaking process that requires grassroots organization. Build support and consensus: Nothing is going to happen if the only rebels are you and your buddies.This is an important step and the setup for either a successful revolution or a small civilian rebellion flop.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Spreading the Message

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Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Choosing a Strategy

  1. Step 4 Study past revolutions.
    You can create a revolution that is modeled on some of the principles that worked before. History is replete with revolutions that succeeded. The American Revolution. The French Revolution. The Civil Rights Movement.
    • Revolutions often start by disorganizing the old or established organizations in society. Disorganize them by challenging their foundations and principles. Revolutions have happened throughout human history and vary widely in terms of methods, duration, motivating ideology, and the number of participating revolutionaries. Their results include major changes in culture, economy, and socio-political institutions.
    • Once the old is disorganized, the new is able to better organize. Determine your tactics. Remember that power is what the enemy thinks you have. Keep the pressure on. Use ridicule. Hold the enemy to its own stated rules. Switch tactics because tactics can lose effectiveness if they drag on.
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  • As in many revolutions in the past, you could be killed in war, attacked, tortured, become a prisoner, etc. by people in power who are protecting their interests. But that does not mean the movement and cause cannot overcome if enough resolve is there. They are only methods those in power partake in to intimidate and try to put the fire of revolution out before it consumes them.
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  • A revolution is not about you, it's about everyone collectively. Do not try to take fame.
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  • Never let the purpose of the revolution be led by the will of a single person or group; adherents must be ruled only by their legitimate cause.
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  • Have some idea about how you want society to look like after the revolution. If structures to take over are not in place, innocent people might suffer.
    Helpful 32 Not Helpful 7

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