How to Survive Under Martial Law

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 01:13
Martial law occurs when a military assumes the responsibility of governance. The rights of citizens are usually limited during martial law, and democratic processes are eliminated in favor of authoritarian power. Though it may not be easy,...
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Martial law occurs when a military assumes the responsibility of governance. The rights of citizens are usually limited during martial law, and democratic processes are eliminated in favor of authoritarian power. Though it may not be easy, there are ways to make the experience less brutal and survive until the conflict is resolved.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Being a Good Citizen

  1. Step 4 Follow all directives given to you.
    No matter how odd or strange it is best to do as you are told. If a curfew is set, be in your quarters by then. If you are given a meal time, don't think you will be served if you show up late even if you are hungry. If certain areas are off-limits, do not go exploring beyond the boundary. Your rights are greatly limited until civil order is re-established so don't push your boundaries if you want to survive.
    • If you are under martial law in a country that you know intends to do you harm (e.g., Jewish Germans[6] or Japanese-Americans[7] during World War II) you may want to consider hiding from the government instead of being a good citizen.
    • You may want to learn military time.[8] Some watches and phones can be adjusted to show military time automatically. In general, times are written out differently such that 9:00AM ("nine o'clock AM) becomes 0900 ("zero nine hundred) and 3:30PM ("three-thirty PM) becomes 1530 ("fifteen thirty). In other words, PM times are 12 greater than normal and times are described as if they are four-digit whole numbers without the colon with the hour always represented as two numbers (don't drop leading zeros). Hours may be referred to in "hundreds" but never "thousands".
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Hiding From Military Forces

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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Resisting a Military Threat to Your Survival

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  • You may want to include a camouflage outfit in your go-bag.
    Helpful 17 Not Helpful 0
  • Do not bring your cell phone or any GPS enabled device with you to your bunker. If you are found to be missing, the military may decide to attempt to track you by using the signal from your device. Remember that you will not have power so these devices will be useless after a few days regardless.
    Helpful 160 Not Helpful 44
  • Resisting orders during martial law may land you in jail or worse. Remember that civilian authorities are well trained to deal with citizens and even they do poorly at times. Military personnel may be less tolerant and more forceful during an arrest or detention.
    Helpful 121 Not Helpful 51
  • Do not run from armed military personnel who have seen you. They may shoot you.
    Helpful 14 Not Helpful 4

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