How to Train Your Fish to Do Tricks

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 01:13
Having a pet fish may not seem as fun or exciting as having a pet dog or cat. However, with the proper training, your fish can be taught to interact with you and do tricks – just like any other pet! The easiest fish breeds to train include...
Table of contents

Having a pet fish may not seem as fun or exciting as having a pet dog or cat. However, with the proper training, your fish can be taught to interact with you and do tricks – just like any other pet! The easiest fish breeds to train include Oscars, Goldfish, and Bettas. Male Betta fish are usually kept alone in a bowl, making them the most focused and easiest to train.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Teaching Your Fish to Follow Your Finger

  1. Step 1 Put your finger on the outside of your aquarium tank near your fish.
    Your goal is to get your fish's attention, and once you get its attention, reward it with food. If your fish responds to your finger right away, award it with food. If your fish does not respond right away, shake your finger until it does notice.[1]
    • You can consider placing your finger in the fish tank for your fish to follow as well. Some types of fish tend to bite, including Bettas, so do some research on your breed fish before putting your finger in their tank.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Teaching Your Fish to Swim Through Hoops

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Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Creating an Obstacle Course for Your Fish

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Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Teaching Your Fish to Jump

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