How to Write a Method Statement

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 01:09
Method statements are important documents that outline the way a process or task will be carried out. This statement (also referred to as a "safe system of work") will detail potential hazards and the steps that will be taken to complete...
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Method statements are important documents that outline the way a process or task will be carried out. This statement (also referred to as a "safe system of work") will detail potential hazards and the steps that will be taken to complete the job safely. It will also include the control measures taken to ensure the lowest risk of hazard to those partaking in the process or work task. These statements are requested by companies that are considering hiring another company to complete a task and need to be sure that proper safety measures are being followed. It takes some practice to feel confident when you have to write a method statement, but, by following a few steps, you will quickly become more comfortable.


  1. Step 1 Prepare to write by conducting a risk assessment--an in-depth examination of the task or process.
    • Identify the work hazards (those that could potentially cause poor health or personal harm) that are inherent in the task.
    • Analyze what has been done about these hazards and if these measures are enough to reduce the harm potential to an acceptable level.
    • Decide what additional measures need to be taken to reduce harm if an acceptable level has not been met.
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  • Be sure to address the safety measures required to comply with legislative safety laws as well as measures to fulfill company policies.
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