How to Write a Notable Editorial

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 01:10
An editorial is an article that presents a group's opinion on an issue and because of this, it is usually unsigned. Just like a lawyer would, editorial writers build on an argument already made and try to persuade readers to agree with...
Table of contents

An editorial is an article that presents a group's opinion on an issue and because of this, it is usually unsigned. Just like a lawyer would, editorial writers build on an argument already made and try to persuade readers to agree with them on a current, burning issue. In essence, an editorial is an opinion piece with a side of news.[1]

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

The Basics

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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Writing Your Editorial

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What Are Effective Ways To Keep Readers Engaged In Your Article?

Sample Editorial

Sample Op Ed


  • Never use "I" or "me"; this is not your opinion only.
    Helpful 89 Not Helpful 8
  • Do not state any vulgar words or use slander. Libel is a serious offence.
    Helpful 20 Not Helpful 0
  • Do not pinpoint or blame specific names. Target a group or belief as your opposition.
    Helpful 74 Not Helpful 9
  • Never plagiarise someone else's work.
    Helpful 19 Not Helpful 2

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