Teens are not always the easiest people in the world to understand or talk to. They can be complex and moody, with their minds fumbling between childhood and adulthood. Not to mention raging hormones! But this doesn't mean its impossible...
Since you can't choose your family members, there's bound to be a couple of them who know how to push your buttons. Fortunately, there are a few tips and tricks you can use to remain diplomatic, even during a difficult conversation. Keep...
A guide to finding time & space to be alone when you live with others When you share a living space with other people, it can feel like you never have a second for yourself. If you're looking for ways to relax with some me time, or just to...
Dancing at a wedding is a common practice. If you're wanting to get out on that dance floor but you're not the best dancer, don't worry. There are some simple moves you can do to blend in with the crowd, whether you're dancing with a...
As an adult, you have obligations. You've got a job. You pay bills. You may even have a family — a spouse and/or children. You need to work, but you'd also like to go back to school and achieve something greater. It might seem impossible...
Have you ever had a dead battery in your camera at just the moment when you need them most? Worse still is a dead cell in an emergency situation. And you can't always carry a charger with you. For those who like to (or need to) improvise,...
Commercial truck driving can be a rewarding career, especially if you really enjoy driving and don't mind spending long periods of time away from home. Becoming a truck driver doesn't often take much time, but you do need to meet a few...
People all over the world need fuel for their cars, trucks, and other vehicles. Gas stations can be good investments and profit margins have been growing in recent years. However, successfully opening and running a filling station requires...
Clean bicycles not only look nice, but they also work better and go faster. Regular washings will keep your bike free from costly repairs or damage due to rust or corrosion, and it only takes 10-15 minutes to do it properly. Always clean...
Deconstruction aims to disturb in order to discover. By deconstructing a text, you learn to read beyond a text's straightforward content and uncover new meanings and truths. Deconstruction has intellectual and political implications....