How to Direct a Choir

How to Direct a Choir

 01:13 27/04/2024

As a choir director, your job is to shape the sound of the choir, teach the music, and evaluate and correct any problems within the vocal performance. Here are some steps to help you successfully form and direct a choir. Watch other...
How to Clean a Can Opener

How to Clean a Can Opener

 01:12 27/04/2024

While you may not think you have to clean your can opener often, rust and gunk on the can opener can prevent its gears from working properly. Fix a dirty can opener by soaking it in white vinegar to loosen all the dirt and rust. Then,...
How to Make Whipple Cream

How to Make Whipple Cream

 01:12 27/04/2024

Whipple cream is a type of clay that you use to make toy and decorative baked goods. Whipple cream is meant to resemble whipped cream and is not edible. All you need to make whipple cream is some art clay, glue, and supplies like a spray...
Choosing the Best Pickleball Paddle: Key Factors for All Skill Levels

Choosing the Best Pickleball Paddle: Key Factors for All Skill Levels

 01:12 27/04/2024

Look for a paddle that suits your skill level, playing style, and budgetSo you've caught the pickleball bug—but which paddle should you use? With hundreds to choose from, it's easy to get overwhelmed. Focus on the various parts of the...
How to Discover Your Purpose and Fulfill Your Destiny

How to Discover Your Purpose and Fulfill Your Destiny

 01:12 27/04/2024

It can be really hard to feel like you're not sure what your purpose is in life. However, no matter what your situation is, there are things you can do to live in a more meaningful way. Start by reflecting on the things you feel the most...
How to Buy a Gift Subscription on Netflix

How to Buy a Gift Subscription on Netflix

 01:12 27/04/2024

Since more people are using Netflix over the years, it's only natural that they would want to share the wealth with their family and friends. It's not possible to buy an actual subscription for others, but if you have an Amazon account,...
How to Make a Wish Bracelet

How to Make a Wish Bracelet

 01:12 27/04/2024

A wish bracelet is a fun craft project made from hemp string and beads. A wish bracelet is designed to eventually break down, the beads falling off one by one. You make a wish when you put the bracelet on. Once the beads are gone, your...
How to Consult the I Ching Using 3 Coins

How to Consult the I Ching Using 3 Coins

 01:12 27/04/2024

The I Ching (or Yi Ching or Book of Changes) is most commonly known as an ancient Chinese method of divination. In the past it was consulted using Yarrow sticks, but a common way to consult the I Ching is to toss three coins, assign a...
Video: What are affordable ways to keep up with the trends?

Video: What are affordable ways to keep up with the trends?

 01:12 27/04/2024

Fashion trends are always changing, which means we're expected to constantly update our wardrobes (a.k.a spend money) if we want to be up-to-date with the latest fashion. But is it possible to keep up with fashion trends without emptying...
Video: Can I mix compost with soil?

Video: Can I mix compost with soil?

 01:12 27/04/2024

Compost is packed with nutrients that are super beneficial to plants, making it a great addition to any garden or landscape. If you're new to working with compost, you might be wondering how exactly to add it to soil. In this video, garden...