How to Be a Mature Preteen

How to Be a Mature Preteen

 00:20 27/04/2024

As a preteen, you may feel like everyone still treats you like a child, even though you're on your way to being a teenager. Acting more mature can help you get some of the independence and trust that you're looking for. Communicate openly...
How to Stay Motivated in School

How to Stay Motivated in School

 00:20 27/04/2024

If you want to stay motivated in school, start by creating a scheduled routine for your study time to keep you on task. Then, find a quiet, well-lit place to study and keep it neat and tidy so you won’t be distracted by messes. If you have a big goal or project, break it into smaller tasks so that they’re more manageable and you don’t get overwhelmed. Finally, record all due dates on your phone and set reminders for when deadlines are approaching so you won’t forget.
How to Tell a Story

How to Tell a Story

 23:23 26/04/2024

Whether you're telling a joke, fairy tale, or trying to persuade someone with a little empirical evidence, telling a story well is an important skill. While it comes naturally to some, for others this skill is a learned one. Never fear,...
How to Diagnose a Flashing Check Engine Light and Shaking Car

How to Diagnose a Flashing Check Engine Light and Shaking Car

 23:18 26/04/2024

Figure out what's keeping your vehicle from running correctly You're driving down the road when your car starts rattling. Then, the check engine starts flashing. Can you keep driving or do you need to pull over? What's causing this to...
How to Keep Pets off the Furniture

How to Keep Pets off the Furniture

 23:11 26/04/2024

Pets are wonderful companions that can make any place feel like home. Sometimes, however, pets can become territorial over pieces of furniture, or leave shed fur all over your clean couch or bed. When these inconveniences arise, it's...
9 Tips to Get Rid of a “Babyface”

9 Tips to Get Rid of a “Babyface”

 23:11 26/04/2024

Everything you need to know to reduce facial fat and look more matureIf you have a "babyface," you're probably used to being told you look younger than your age. The typical babyface characteristics—rounder cheeks and a bit more facial...
How to Make Irish Car Bomb Cupcakes

How to Make Irish Car Bomb Cupcakes

 23:11 26/04/2024

What could be a better way to celebrate St. Patrick's Day than with a fresh batch of rich (and boozy) Irish car bomb cupcakes? This festive dessert is made with lots of chocolate, milk, eggs, flour, sugar, Bailey's Irish cream, and a...
How to Play a Coined Spirit Game

How to Play a Coined Spirit Game

 23:11 26/04/2024

Spirit of the coin is a fun, spooky game. Similar to the Ouija board, the spirit of the coin uses a talking board to contact spirits and communicate with them. You just need a coin, a piece of paper, and a pen, then you're ready to turn...
How to Build a Homemade Rube Goldberg Machine

How to Build a Homemade Rube Goldberg Machine

 23:11 26/04/2024

Rube Goldberg (1883-1970) was a scientist and cartoonist who produced satirical work on people's overly complex problem solving methods. In his comical cartoons, he linked together chain reactions with simple machines to complete basic...
The Difference Between Hot Press, Cold Press, and Rough Watercolor Paper

The Difference Between Hot Press, Cold Press, and Rough Watercolor Paper

 23:11 26/04/2024

A simple guide to choosing watercolor paper texture, weight, and acidity There are many choices to consider when working with watercolors, like choosing your paints, brushes, and the techniques you'll use. But the kind of paper on which...