Video: What is a food allergy and why do they happen?

Video: What is a food allergy and why do they happen?

 23:24 05/05/2024

A food allergy occurs when our immune system overreacts to a certain protein in a specific food and treats it like an invader. In response, our bodies create allergy antibodies to help attack the invader protein, which causes us to have an...
How to Change a Girl's Mind

How to Change a Girl's Mind

 00:20 27/04/2024

Being rejected by a girl is just another part of growing up. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Sometimes girls can be stubborn and pretend they don't like you for any number of reasons. In some cases they really mean no, but in...
How to Cite the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in APA

How to Cite the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in APA

 00:20 27/04/2024

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), an international human rights treaty ratified by 196 countries, enshrines the rights of children and obligations of governments to protect them. As such, it's a common source for...