How to Deconstruct a Text

How to Deconstruct a Text

 01:08 27/04/2024

Deconstruction aims to disturb in order to discover. By deconstructing a text, you learn to read beyond a text's straightforward content and uncover new meanings and truths. Deconstruction has intellectual and political implications....
How to Be a Conservative Girl

How to Be a Conservative Girl

 00:20 27/04/2024

Interested in becoming a conservative girl or girlfriend? Being conservative is multifaceted, but it mostly comes down to valuing tradition, modesty, and self-reliance. As a conservative girl, you might support conservative policies, dress...
How to Make a Guy Feel Special

How to Make a Guy Feel Special

 00:20 27/04/2024

The idea that it is a guy's job to make a woman feel special (and not the other way around) is very out of date. Today, it's normal for both partners to share the affection in a relationship. While every guy is different, there are a few...
How to Deal with Your Mom Going on Dates

How to Deal with Your Mom Going on Dates

 00:20 27/04/2024

When your mom starts dating someone new, it can seem weird and gross. The fact of the matter is, though, that your mom is a human being and desires love and affection just like most other people do. In order to deal with your mom going out...
How to Be the Best Girl Ever

How to Be the Best Girl Ever

 00:20 27/04/2024

Being the best person in the world isn't really possible, because everyone loves someone, everyone is good at something, everyone is different and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. However, aiming to be the closest you can to "the...
How to Get a Part Time Job

How to Get a Part Time Job

 00:20 27/04/2024

While academics are always important, money can be an issue when it comes to a full schedule. Getting a part time job is a great way to build your resume, form business relationships, get referrals, and earn money. You can find part time...
How to Become a Meteorologist

How to Become a Meteorologist

 00:20 27/04/2024

Atmospheric science studies factors that affect the environment, such as the changes in the Earth's physical characteristics. As a meteorologist, also called an atmospheric scientist, you are responsible for forecasting the weather and...
How to Be a Role Model

How to Be a Role Model

 00:20 27/04/2024

Being a role model is a big responsibility, especially when you're on the job. How can you set a great example for your peers without setting impossible expectations for yourself? Don't worry–you've come to the right place. We've outlined...
How to Stop Thinking About Work

How to Stop Thinking About Work

 00:20 27/04/2024

A good work-life balance is key to being healthy and happy. But sometimes it's tough to forget about those unread emails and looming deadlines. If you're spending most of your personal time thinking about work, try being more present in...
How to Report Embezzlement

How to Report Embezzlement

 00:20 27/04/2024

As an employer, you strive to hire the best employees to work with you. Finding out one of them has potentially been embezzling funds can have personal, as well as legal ramifications. While it may take some time to get over the abuse of...