How to Make a Portable and Rechargeable USB Charger

How to Make a Portable and Rechargeable USB Charger

 23:24 05/05/2024

Learn how to build your own portable USB charger from an Altoids Mints tinEver caught nowhere near a charger and you just need to use your device? With this easy to make portable charger you'll never be caught without power ever again. And...
Video: How does recovery for a facial plastic surgery procedure compare to that of an abdominal one?

Video: How does recovery for a facial plastic surgery procedure compare to that of an abdominal one?

 23:24 05/05/2024

All types of plastic surgery involve some kind of recovery period, but what exactly that recovery looks like varies depending on the procedure. The recoveries for facial and abdominal plastic surgery share some similarities, but there are...
How to Improve Mind Power

How to Improve Mind Power

 01:15 27/04/2024

Humans are fortunate in that we have brain plasticity--the ability to change and grow our brain function. You can build new connections and perhaps even grow new brain cells by keeping your mind and body stimulated. And a small amount of...
How to Improve Your Agility

How to Improve Your Agility

 01:14 27/04/2024

Agility refers to the quality of quickness or resourcefulness that can relate to your physical or mental abilities. Being agile is not a natural trait, so you've got every chance of improving your ability. If you do the right things, you...
How to Wake up Beautiful

How to Wake up Beautiful

 01:14 27/04/2024

If you don't feel picture-perfect when you first wake up in the morning, you're not alone. Most people don't wake up with glowing skin and perfect hair, at least not without some effort the night before! With a few skincare tips and plenty...
How to Look After Your Mind and Body

How to Look After Your Mind and Body

 01:14 27/04/2024

Learning how to look after both our minds and our bodies can help keep us healthy and happy for much longer. But looking after yourself isn't always easy, especially with jobs, school, and responsibilities. Fortunately, there are tons of...
How to Lead a Successful Youth Ministry

How to Lead a Successful Youth Ministry

 01:14 27/04/2024

Youth Ministries are often the pillar of any Christian church's continuity. If you can't set teenage hearts on fire with love of God, they may go on to lead less fulfilling lives (or worse, be tempted into sinful ways). This being a...
How to Make an Atheist and Theist Relationship Work

How to Make an Atheist and Theist Relationship Work

 01:13 27/04/2024

In many ways, an atheist and theist couple has the same needs as anyone in a relationship: mutual respect, honest communication, and a willingness to work through problems. If faith or lack of faith is a core part of your identity,...
How to Prevent Outdoor Locks from Freezing

How to Prevent Outdoor Locks from Freezing

 01:13 27/04/2024

Frozen locks are an annoying fact of life during the winter. You definitely don't want to be left out in the cold, so naturally you want to do anything you can to prevent your outdoor locks from freezing on you. Luckily, there are lots of...
How to Bet on Sports

How to Bet on Sports

 01:13 27/04/2024

Betting on sports is done for the thrill of the game and to make money. While betting on sports can seem almost impossible, especially in today's competitive world, it is actually fairly simple. First, you will need to understand the...