How to Afford Healthy Food

How to Afford Healthy Food

 01:13 27/04/2024

Eating healthy might take a little more work, but it doesn't have to be prohibitively expensive. While it is true that often unhealthy choices are the cheapest options in the grocery store, recognize often this comes with the hidden cost...
How to Get Pumped Before a Big Sports Game

How to Get Pumped Before a Big Sports Game

 01:13 27/04/2024

Everyone knows how important it is to be physically prepared for a big game, but getting in the right headspace is just as important. Psyching yourself up before you head onto the field will help you play your best and have more fun....
How to Celebrate Hanukkah

How to Celebrate Hanukkah

 01:13 27/04/2024

Hanukkah, is a Jewish holiday, also known as the Jewish "festival of lights" as its focus is on lighting the eight Chanukah candles during the eight days of the festival. Although not one of the more serious holy days of the Jewish...
How to Say Grace

How to Say Grace

 01:13 27/04/2024

Saying a simple prayer before a meal can be an excellent way to center yourself and appreciate your blessings, whether you're alone or in a large group. Saying grace doesn't need to be an elaborate recitation. You can learn personal...
How to Mix Aloe Vera Gel with Oils

How to Mix Aloe Vera Gel with Oils

 01:13 27/04/2024

Learn how to add essential oils and cosmetic oils to aloe veraYou've probably used aloe if you've ever needed relief from sunburn, but did you know that it works for a variety of other conditions? Aloe is extremely versatile and can be...
How to Tell Better Stories

How to Tell Better Stories

 01:13 27/04/2024

The ability to tell a good story can come in handy in a variety of settings, from social occasions to job interviews. To tell a better story, start by keeping a log of ideas as they come to you. Draw on your life experiences, observations,...
How to Use Rigid Collodion

How to Use Rigid Collodion

 01:13 27/04/2024

Rigid Collodion, also known as "scarring liquid," is a chemical cosmetic used to craft fake scars and injuries. It's commonly used in theatre departments, on film sets, and at haunted houses to give wounds a super realistic look, and it's...
How to Keep Your Dog Happy

How to Keep Your Dog Happy

 01:13 27/04/2024

A dog, also known as human's best friend, is happiest when he's healthy. Ensuring your dog's physical and mental well-being means keeping him stimulated, even when you are not home. Spending time with your pup and providing him with a...
How to Have Aurora's Personality from Sleeping Beauty

How to Have Aurora's Personality from Sleeping Beauty

 01:13 27/04/2024

In 1959, Walt Disney released it's third Disney Princess movie, Sleeping Beauty. Sleeping Beauty is a beautiful tale of a young lady who has unknowingly been cursed as a baby by the evil fairy, Maleficent. She cursed that "before the sun...
How to Reinvent Yourself

How to Reinvent Yourself

 01:13 27/04/2024

Reinventing yourself doesn't mean taking baby steps to become a slightly different person -- it means diving into a new and improved version of yourself head-first. Truly reinventing yourself, whether you want to change your career, your...