How to Play Office April Fool's Day Pranks

How to Play Office April Fool's Day Pranks

 01:14 27/04/2024

April Fools Day is a good chance to have a bit of fun with your friends, family, and coworkers. If you're in the mood to add some mischief to your workplace, getting in early and setting up some pranks is a great way to start the day. Just...
How to Brown Ground Beef

How to Brown Ground Beef

 01:12 27/04/2024

Browning ground beef is a way to cook the meat and remove the fat before adding the beef to a dishes such as tacos or chili. The most common way to cook beef is on a stovetop, but you can do it easily in a microwave as well. No matter...
How to People Watch

How to People Watch

 01:11 27/04/2024

People watching is an art in some cultures. In cities such as Paris, flâneurs (the French word for someone who strolls or lounges) used to explore the urban landscape at a slow and leisurely pace. Many people watch others for artistic...
How to Air Layer a Tree

How to Air Layer a Tree

 23:11 26/04/2024

Air layering is a technique to propagate fruit-bearing and flowering plants, such as apple, maple, cherry, and orange trees, to make smaller clones of the parent. Select one of the newer branches on the tree and cut off a ring of bark....