How to Honor God

How to Honor God

 01:11 27/04/2024

Honoring God can look many different ways depending on your background and your lifestyle. There are many ways to honor God; however, it helps if you make a good habit of proceeding humbly, not to be seen when serving others, being...
How to Get a Part Time Job

How to Get a Part Time Job

 00:20 27/04/2024

While academics are always important, money can be an issue when it comes to a full schedule. Getting a part time job is a great way to build your resume, form business relationships, get referrals, and earn money. You can find part time...
How to Fill Gas in Canada

How to Fill Gas in Canada

 23:18 26/04/2024

Oh no—it's the low fuel light! How do you even pump gas in Canada? If you've never done it before, you may be wondering exactly how it works. The good news is it works pretty much the same way it does in the US and many other countries....