How Long Does It Take To Get a New Job?

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 00:20
Job search timeline, from applying to getting hiredLooking for a new job is tough, especially if it's been weeks (or months) since you started applying. Rest assured that you're not alone: while it can be discouraging to wait so long,...
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Looking for a new job is tough, especially if it’s been weeks (or months) since you started applying. Rest assured that you’re not alone: while it can be discouraging to wait so long, most job-seekers have the exact same experience that you do. While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, we’re here to tell you about how long most job searches take. We’ll also give you expert tips on speeding up that timeline to find a job fast. Let’s dive in!

Things You Should Know

  • Typically, it takes most people about 5 months to find a new job.
  • This timeline can vary based on where you live, the state of the economy, and how much experience you have in the industry.
  • To find a new job quickly, proofread your resume carefully and apply to new jobs every single day.
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How Long It Takes to Get a New Job

  1. On average, it takes around 5 months to find a job.
    The Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that most people are unemployed for a little over 19 weeks before gaining employment again.[1] However, that timeline can vary a lot, depending on multiple factors that we’ll discuss below.
    • The higher the unemployment rates in your industry, the longer it may take to find a job. Check out unemployment rates on the Bureau of Labor Statistics for your industry for an accurate estimate.
    • Typically, you can expect to wait anywhere between 3 to 6 months before finding a new job no matter what industry you’re in.
    • On average, it takes about 10 - 20 job applications to get a single interview.
    • It takes around 10 - 15 individual interviews to receive a single job offer.
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Factors That May Affect Your Job Search

  1. Step 1 The state of the economy
    The national and global economy plays a huge part in your job search. If you’re looking for a job during a recession, you’re likely competing with many more applicants than if you’re looking for a job in a booming economy.[2]
    • Plus, the state of the economy can affect what types of jobs are available. During recessions, people tend to spend less on luxury items or services, saving their money for necessities.
    • To figure out the state of the economy, take a look at the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in your country. GDP is the value of all goods and services produced in a country for the entire year. If GDP is down, then the economy is slowing. If GDP is up, then the economy is growing.[3]
  2. Step 2 Your work experience
    If you’re a recent college grad or you’re looking for entry-level to mid-level positions, the wait time is slightly less: only about 8 weeks. If you’re vying for a senior level position, though, it’s closer to 6 months. This is because senior positions tend to be vetted more thoroughly, and may have a more extensive interview process.[4]
  3. Step 3 Where you live
    Large cities will often have more jobs available than small, rural areas. Similarly, how far you’re willing to commute may broaden your horizons: looking at a larger radius around your home will help you find more jobs than if you’re only looking in one specific area.
    • For remote jobs, it’s a little different. While they usually don’t specify the area you need to be in, remote jobs can actually be more competitive than in-person jobs. It’s because you’re competing with applicants all over the country (or even the globe) rather than just the people in your area.
  4. Step 4 Your flexibility
    The more flexible you are about what industry you work in and what kind of job you get, the faster you’ll find a position. If you’re dead-set on a very niche job, you might have a tougher time finding something. But if you’re willing to broaden your horizons or even take a lower-level position for now, it’s very likely that you’ll end up with something fast.[5]
    • If you’re currently unemployed, make employment your number one goal, even if it’s not the best job around. You can still look for other positions while working a less-than-ideal job, but at least you’ll have money coming in.
  5. Step 5 Your resume and application quality
    Simple grammatical mistakes or typos on your resume can make or break whether or not you get an interview. The better your resume, cover letter, and application are, the more likely it is you’ll get a job quickly.[6]
  6. Step 6 How often you look for jobs
    It’s probably not a surprise, but the more often you look for jobs, the better chance you have of finding one. If you’re currently still employed, you may not have 8 hours per day to dedicate to your job search, which can make the process slower.
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Speeding up the Timeline

  1. Step 1 Proofread your resume and cover letter carefully.
    Open up your resume and cover letter and look at them with fresh eyes. Are they any typos you missed? How about awkward phrases? Check over your applications carefully, and always add in relevant keywords before submitting anything to create a solid resume.[7]
    • If you’re writing a cover letter, add in relevant keywords there, too.
    • If you’ve gone over your resume and you’re still not having any luck, try sending it to someone you know to look it over (especially if they’re in the same industry). They may have feedback or advice on how to make your resume stand out more.
  2. Step 2 Send out applications every day.
    The more you apply for jobs, the better chance you’ll have of getting a job fast. Dedicate time every single day to look through job boards or check out companies in your industry. Many companies post new job listings every day, and the earlier you apply, the better chance you have of getting an interview.[8]
    • Applying for tons of jobs can be stressful. Try setting a schedule for yourself: apply for 5 jobs in the morning, then go outside and take a walk. Make sure to practice self-care and do something relaxing every day to avoid getting overwhelmed.
  3. Step 3 Address gaps in your employment.
    Unfortunately, gaps in your resume can send up a red flag to hiring managers. If you have any employment gaps, try to explain them in your application or cover letter when you apply.
    • If you’re currently unemployed, put things on your resume like volunteer positions or relevant coursework that you’re taking. The less blank spaces on your resume, the better.
  4. Step 4 Update your LinkedIn and other social media.
    Applying isn’t the only way to search for a job. If you’re looking for work, find jobs online by posting on your LinkedIn or other social media accounts. You never know who might be looking for a strong applicant like yourself.[9] Post something like:
    • “Hi, LinkedIn network! Do you know of any awesome companies looking for an electrical engineer? I have over 10 years of experience and would love to jump back into the industry feet-first. DM me if you have any leads! #opentowork”
  5. Step 5 Network with people in your industry.
    In today’s job market, it’s often more about who you know than what you know. Take a look at your contacts list and network with anyone in your industry who might be able to get you a job. All it takes is a quick email or a text, and you could have a job interview by the next day.[10]
  6. Step 6 Improve your professional skills.
    If you’re going to be unemployed for a little while, use that time to your advantage. Take a look at job postings in your industry, and try to figure out what you might be lacking. Is there a specific certificate you could get to beef up your resume? Are there volunteer opportunities that might give you more experience? Use your time wisely even as you continue your search.[11]
  7. Step 7 Set reasonable expectations for your search.
    Don’t be afraid to accept a part-time job right now or get one outside of your industry for the time being. If your only goal is to become employed and start making money again, broaden your horizons. Be open to any opportunity that may help you get a job, even if it isn’t your dream career.
    • You could even work a few part-time jobs to make up for a lack of full-time work for now.
    • However, if you’re currently employed or money isn’t an issue, feel free to take your time until you find a position that’s perfect for you.
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