How to Get Hired at Costco

Thứ sáu - 26/04/2024 23:11
Application and interview tips to help you land the jobCostco is widely regarded as one of the best retailers to work for. With good compensation, a fun work environment, and lots of employee benefits, it's no wonder the store is held in...
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Costco is widely regarded as one of the best retailers to work for. With good compensation, a fun work environment, and lots of employee benefits, it’s no wonder the store is held in such high regard. If you’re looking to start a job at Costco, keep reading. We’ll walk you through the hiring process, offer tips on standing out during your interview, and break down the many perks of working for this beloved wholesale chain. Your job at Costco awaits!

Section 1 of 5:

Applying for a Job

  1. Step 1 Research what positions are open.
    The first step to getting a job at Costco, or any job for that matter, is finding out what roles the company is looking to fill. Check online or in-person to see if your nearby Costco is hiring and what jobs are available.[1]
    • Online job openings can be found at:
    • Jobs at Costco are in high demand and fill up fast. Check to see if there are any grand openings in your area. A new store usually means more available positions.
    • If you ask for an application in person, dress appropriately, smile, and convey the same positive attitude as the current employees.
  2. Step 2 Tailor your application to the job you’re applying for.
    Once you’ve gotten an application for an open role, fill out your form neatly and carefully. Structure your previous work experience and relevant achievements to fit the job you’ve chosen. For example, if you’re trying to work as a baker, highlight your history in the food service industry. If you’re trying to work as a tire installer, note your skills with cars. If you’re applying for any job, discuss strengths that are universally applicable like your people skills, your fast learning curve, and your attention to detail.[2]
    • Job applications can be found at:
    • The most common jobs that Costco recruiters look to fill are in the warehouse and customer support. They may also be on the lookout for regional and home office jobs, IT workers, and licensed professionals (opticians, pharmacists, etc).[3]
    • You may increase your likelihood of getting hired if you state that you’re willing to work any position, especially for late-night and early-morning shifts.
  3. Step 3 Get a good recommendation.
    Costco jobs are competitive so choose quality references to vouch for your work. To get a good job rec, find someone in a well-respected position at your current or previous work place and ask them to write you a letter of recommendation when the time is appropriate. [4]
    • Don’t just ask for a recommendation out of the blue. Build a good relationship with your references beforehand.
    • Ask for an additional recommendation from a current Costco employee to increase your chances of getting hired.
  4. Step 4 Submit your application online.
    Once you’ve filled out all the required forms, submit your application online and await further instructions. You will be notified if you’ve advanced to the interview portion of the hiring process in about 3 weeks.[5]
    • The online Costco job application has its own specific work history section. However, keep your physical resume handy for the interview process.
    • While a cover letter is not always required, submit one if your store offers to take it. A good cover letter can increase the chances of getting hired.
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Section 2 of 5:

Handling the Interview Process

  1. Step 1 Expect to go through 3 rounds of interviews.
    If you’re selected to move on to the interview phase of the hiring process, you’ll go through 3 different rounds of interviews. The first 2 will be 1-on-1 with a hiring manager. You’ll discuss why you want to work at Costco, what you can bring to the team, and what to expect if you’re hired. The final interview will be a group interview with other candidates and Costco HR representatives.[6]
  2. Step 2 Research the company beforehand.
    Get to know everything you can about Costco before your interview. Search online for recent news and trends, and identify ways you can benefit the company according to the job description. Talk to any employees you know for extra insight. There’s no such thing as being over-prepared.[7]
  3. Step 3 Arrive early with the necessary materials.
    Show up to your interview about 15 minutes early with a notepad, pen, physical resume, and letters of reference ready. As the saying goes: “If you’re early, you’re on time. If you’re on time you’re late, and if you’re late, you’re fired.”[8]
    • While you’re waiting for your interview, observe the space. Quietly examine the office or work area to gain insight into Costco employees’ daily life and company culture.
  4. Step 4 Dress professionally.
    Dress for the job you want. Wear business-casual attire and any other clothes that might be customary for employees.[9]
  5. Step 5 Sit with good posture and speak confidently.
    Your body language has a big impact on the interviewer. During the interview, sit up straight, maintain eye contact, speak clearly, and smile.
    • To feel more confident, regard the interview not as an interrogation but as a dialogue, and remind yourself that you know what you are talking about.
  6. Step 6 Listen attentively.
    Engage meaningfully with every question your hiring manager asks you. Listen carefully, think through your answers thoroughly, and speak confidently. When in doubt, ask “Does that answer your question?”[10]
  7. Step 7 Relate your experience to your desired job.
    A job interview is the story of you. Tell about your most interesting experience and background, but stay focused on the job you are applying for and what is relevant to it. Use each question to convey insight about you, your past, and your value to the company. The S.T.A.R (Situation, Task, Action, Response) Method is a great way to accomplish this. When asked a question, set up the situation (“At my previous newspaper job…), identify the task (“we needed to increase our readership…), convey how you helped or plan to help (“so I launched a social media campaign using my marketing skills…”), and show how the company improved or will improve because of this (“and increased online traffic by 20%.”).[11]
  8. Step 8 Bounce off other candidates’ ideas in the group interview.
    For the final round of interviews, use the group environment to your advantage. Feed off the other candidates’ energy, be polite, and encourage their ideas. When someone gives an answer you like, say “Yes, and…” expand with your own thoughts. For example, “I love that idea! I also think that…” Group interviews are ways to demonstrate you can be a helpful team player.[12]
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Section 3 of 5:

Common Interview Questions

  1. Step 1 “Why do you want to work at Costco?”
    You’re guaranteed to be asked this question at least once, likely multiple times, during your interview process. Do your research beforehand to have tangible, specific, and unique examples of why you prefer Costco and why you think you’d excel.[13]
    • “I’m passionate about customer service. I have an extensive background in the field and Costco has demonstrated its commitment to the cause.”
    • “I’ve accomplished a lot in the retail sector, but I want more opportunities to advance. Costco’s career growth opportunities in this field are exceptional.”
    • “Costco received the award for Best Employer in 2017. I want to be valued as an employee.”
  2. Step 2 “Tell me about a time you displayed teamwork.”
    Because Costco is such a collaborative work environment, showing you can work well with others is key. Have your history of team-related activities ready to go.
    • “I was co-captain of my high school soccer team 3 years in a row.”
    • “I was secretary for Delta Gamma in college. It required the ability to lead, delegate and listen – often all at once.”
    • “I’ve worked as a line cook these past 6 months. It’s a team-oriented job that has made me an excellent communicator.”
  3. Step 3 “How would you deal with a difficult customer?”
    Employers want to know how you handle conflict in the workplace. Give an example from your previous job that shows you know how to remain calm and friendly, even when customers don’t.[14]
    • “At my grocery store job, I dealt with a lot of hostile customers. I made sure to stay polite and friendly, and to not let their behavior bother me.”
    • “Working in admissions, I dealt with a lot of angry parents. I made sure to validate all of their concerns so they felt appreciated. This made them less upset.”
    • “I deal with my customers like I deal with my football coaches. Even if I don’t agree, I respect their requests for the betterment of my team.”
  4. Step 4 “What does ‘excellent customer service’ mean to you?”
    Because this question is so open-ended, be concise and confident in your answer. This response is all about how you frame it.[15]
    • “Trust. Excellent customer service means customers know they can come to me with any issue and trust it will be handled effectively.”
    • “Quality. It’s essential that my customers are getting top-of-the-line products and top-of-the-line care.”
    • “Joy. The satisfied look on a customer’s face is always what I strive towards when delivering customer service in the retail field.”
  5. Step 5 “What are your strengths and weaknesses?”
    While you want to avoid being too unflattering or self-deprecating, honesty is key to this answer. Asking former co-workers and friends this question beforehand can help give you some insight into a realistic and self-aware assessment of your skills and liabilities.[16]
    • “I’m a hard worker and great 1-on-1, but I’m afraid of public speaking. I’m trying to work on it.”
    • “I’m a very precise and out-of-the-box thinker, but I can get caught up in the details. That’s why teamwork is so important to me.”
    • “I’m a fast learner, but still a little green. I just graduated and I’d like more hands-on experience.”
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Section 4 of 5:

You’d Work Well at Costco If…

  1. Step 1 You enjoy customer service.
    Costco is a very social job. You deal with all different kinds of people all day long. If you draw energy from others, you’d be a great fit working for the store.[17]
  2. Step 2 You’re comfortable with lots of manual labor.
    If you’re working at Costco, you’re standing all-day long and regularly lifting heavy objects – from cat food to milk jugs to lots and lots of bulk food items (often 50+ pounds). If you’re comfortable exercising and doing a lot of physical tasks, Costco would be a great workplace for you.[18]
  3. Step 3 You like to walk.
    Costco is a huge store, meaning employees often walk several miles a day just to get around. If you start working at Costco, be ready to get your steps in![19]
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Section 5 of 5:

Benefits of Working at Costco

  1. Step 1 A good wage
    Unlike most retailers, it’s reported that entry-level Costco workers receive at least $20.89 an hour. In addition to a livable full-time wage, there’s also lots of job security and opportunities for raises, especially for employees with degrees.[20]
  2. Step 2 Paid time off
    Costco offers employees time-and-a-half pay on Sundays, seven paid holidays, and a floating holiday on Martin Luther King Jr. Day.[21]
  3. Step 3 Health insurance and 401k benefits
    Costco has an impressive retirement plan and health insurance package. The package includes vision, dental, psychotherapy, and prescription drug coverage at about 80% for full-time employees.[22]
  4. Step 4 After-hours shopping
    Costco stores often stay open after customers have left, so employees can quickly shop for groceries. Workers’ prices are even more discounted than members![23]
  5. Step 5 Student retention plan
    Costco also ensures that student workers can keep their jobs during and after college.[24]
  6. Step 6 Free samples and Thanksgiving turkey
    If discounted groceries wasn’t enough, Costco employees are allowed to snack on free samples during break and they receive a voucher for a free turkey every Thanksgiving. The store donates the turkeys that employees choose not to take.[25]
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