How to Sneak Your Cat Into Work

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 00:20
If your Kitty-in-Boots is giving you the sour face every time you leave for work every day, consider bringing him to work. Your boss doesn't have to know! With a few "sneaky" tools, the right cat temperament, and a little ingenuity, your...
Table of contents

If your Kitty-in-Boots is giving you the sour face every time you leave for work every day, consider bringing him to work. Your boss doesn't have to know! With a few "sneaky" tools, the right cat temperament, and a little ingenuity, your kitty can be sitting shotgun next to you at your desk. Successfully smuggling your cat into the office does require a good deal of preparation and strategy though. In addition, you will have to plan your activities at the office very carefully.

Part 1
Part 1 of 6:

Consider the Options

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Part 2
Part 2 of 6:

Make Preparations

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Part 3
Part 3 of 6:

Toting the Kitty on the Day

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Part 4
Part 4 of 6:

In the Office with the Kitty

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Part 5
Part 5 of 6:

Letting the Cat out of the Bag

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  • Make sure that none of your co-workers have a cat allergy before you attempt this.
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  • Meowing or yowling is a real possibility. The foreignness of everything may simply overwhelm your cat and give you away.
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  • Realize that this may be considered a reason for firing you under the workplace policies. You need to be across your workplace expectations and policies in relation to such an action and you'll know whether or not your workplace is flexible enough to handle a feline intrusion should you get found out.
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  • Avoid an overflowing litter box or bringing stinky food. This will only call attention to your clandestine operation.
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  • Do not bring in your own Garfield or your kittens, it's mother and their billion possessions. You'll know why bringing in a huge crate of meowing cats isn't the best idea in the world.
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  • Don't bring your cat to work if he/she might distract you.
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  • Update vaccinations in the event your cat comes into contact with a coworker and nibbles on his or her hand.
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Things You'll Need

  • Cat
  • Carrier bag suitable for cat, breathable
  • Food, treats and bowls
  • Water (use workplace water but not from the cooler as it's too cold)
  • Harness, leash, collar
  • Travel litter box and deodorizing litter
  • Cat toys

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