Video: What are common causes of knots in the back?

Video: What are common causes of knots in the back?

 23:24 05/05/2024

Muscle knots can be stubborn sources of pain and discomfort—and they may be trying to help us. In this video, Ashley Mak, PT, DPT, teaches us about the three main systems of movement in our bodies, and how an imbalance or deficiency in any...
How to Determine How Much Water Plants Need

How to Determine How Much Water Plants Need

 01:14 27/04/2024

Gardening is a fun and rewarding hobby. However, sometimes it may be difficult to determine exactly how much water a specific plant needs. This is because the needs of a plant may vary based on how you grow it, the environment, the soil...
How to Deal with Your Parents Keeping Secrets As an Adult

How to Deal with Your Parents Keeping Secrets As an Adult

 01:10 27/04/2024

Your relationship with your parents will likely change as you reach adulthood. For example, your parents may start sharing new types of information with you, or they may keep secrets in an attempt to protect you. In order to deal with your...
How to Sneak Your Cat Into Work

How to Sneak Your Cat Into Work

 00:20 27/04/2024

If your Kitty-in-Boots is giving you the sour face every time you leave for work every day, consider bringing him to work. Your boss doesn't have to know! With a few "sneaky" tools, the right cat temperament, and a little ingenuity, your...