How to Determine When Limits Do Not Exist

Thứ sáu - 26/04/2024 23:11
A simple guide to finding where limits don't exist on a function Just as you're getting the hang of limits, your teacher tells you that they sometimes don't exist. There's got to be an easy way to tell when a limit doesn't exist, but how?...
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Just as you’re getting the hang of limits, your teacher tells you that they sometimes don’t exist. There’s got to be an easy way to tell when a limit doesn’t exist, but how? Well, we’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ll go over the 4 clear cases when a limit does not exist and tell you how to find where limits don’t exist for different functions. If you’re ready to dive deeper into limits, read on!

Things You Should Know

  • The limit doesn’t exist when the right and left sides of a function approach different values.
  • If a function approaches either negative or positive infinity as it gets closer to a value, or if it oscillates between several values, the limit does not exist.
  • Find where the limit doesn’t exist by graphing the function by hand or on a calculator.
Section 1 of 3:

Cases When a Limit Doesn’t Exist

  1. Step 1 The limits are different on each side of the function.
    When you evaluate the limit of a function, look at how approaches a value from the left and right sides of the function. If the left side of the function approaches a different limit than the right side, then the limit does not exist. This means the function is not continuous throughout its entirety, which is often the case when there is a jump or gap in a function’s graph.[1]
    • For example, look at the graph of .
      • As approaches 0 from the left, it approaches
      • As approaches 0 from the right, it approaches
      • The left and right side limits can’t be different for the limit to exist, so does not exist.
    • The left-hand limit is written as , where the limit of as approaches a value is the limit . From the left side, you look at values of that are less than .
    • The right-hand limit is written as . On the right side limit, you look at values of that are greater than .
  2. Step 2 The function is boundless or doesn’t approach a finite value.
  3. Step 3 The function oscillates between more than 1 value.
  4. Step 4 The function is only defined for some values of x.
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Section 2 of 3:

Finding the Limit When it Doesn’t Exist

  1. Step 1 Graph the function and look at how the left and right sides approach                     c              {\displaystyle c}  .
  2. Step 2 Plug in values greater and less than                     c              {\displaystyle c}   into the function.
  3. Step 3 Calculate the limit using algebra.
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Section 3 of 3:

What is a limit?

  1. A limit is a value that describes how a function behaves at a point.

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