How to Scald Milk

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 01:13
Scalded milk helps make breads, cakes, and other baked goods both light and fluffy. The process of scalding kills off the protein that's in milk, which helps the gluten to remain unbroken, and it aids the dissolving process of sugar and...
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Scalded milk helps make breads, cakes, and other baked goods both light and fluffy. The process of scalding kills off the protein that's in milk, which helps the gluten to remain unbroken, and it aids the dissolving process of sugar and yeast, which in turn makes fluffier breads and sweets. Learn how to scald milk both in the microwave and on the stovetop by gently bringing the temperature up and stopping before it actually starts to boil.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Scalding Milk in the Microwave

  1. Watermark wikiHow to Scald Milk
    You can use whole milk, skim milk, or powdered milk. You can try using other milks, like almond, cashew, and soy, but your baked goods probably won't have the same results because the non-dairy milks don't have the same proteins that are changed by the scalding process.
    • Glass bowls are the safest to use in the microwave. If you're using a plastic bowl, make sure it's specified that it's safe to microwave.
    • Use a bowl that is deep enough that the milk won't easily splash over the sides.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Scald Milk
    You can also use a bamboo skewer or some other microwaveable tool that has a long handle. The chopstick breaks the surface of the milk and keeps it from boiling over while it's in the microwave.
    • It's okay if the chopstick or skewer touches the wall of the microwave. It will simply move around the bowl if your microwave has a turntable.
  3. Step 3 Microwave the milk for 30 seconds on medium-high heat.
    You don't need to put a cover on the dish—heating for 30 seconds at a time will keep the milk from overheating and splattering all over the interior of your microwave.
    • It may be tempting to just put the dish in the microwave for 3-4 minutes at once, but doing this will cause the milk to heat unevenly and may even scorch or burn the milk.
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Scald Milk
    This helps to disperse the heat evenly throughout the milk. You can also use a silicone spoon—you just want to avoid using anything that has metal in it, as the metal can react with the milk's proteins in an undesirable way.
    • You can buy wooden or silicone spoons from any local home goods store, or you can buy them online.
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Scald Milk
    Put the thermometer into the milk in the middle of the bowl. Don't let it touch the bottom or sides of the dish. Hold it in place for 10-15 seconds or until the probe stops moving.[1]
    • You can buy an inexpensive candy thermometer from any department store or order one online.
  6. Watermark wikiHow to Scald Milk
    Heating the milk gradually rather than all at once keeps your milk from boiling, burning, or getting too hot. It generally takes about 3-4 minutes for milk to get to the appropriate temperature in the microwave, so you will repeat the process of heating and stirring about 6-8 times.
    • Stirring also helps prevent the milk from developing a film across the top.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Using the Stovetop

  1. Watermark wikiHow to Scald Milk
    Pour the measured milk into a saucepan on the stove. Measuring the milk beforehand helps ensure you don't waste milk by using too much, or end up with too little for your recipe. Plus, it makes it easier to just pour the milk in with your other ingredients without having to use another measuring cup after it has been scalded.
    • A heavy-bottom pan is best for scalding milk because it will help it heat more evenly.[2]
    • Whole, skim, or powdered milk works best for scalding. Milks like almond, soy, cashew, or coconut lack the essential proteins that are affected by the scalding process.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Scald Milk
    Stirring helps prevent a protein film from developing on the surface of the milk, which would be unusable in a baking recipe. It also helps to disperse the heat evenly.[3]
    • You can use either a wooden or silicone spoon to stir the milk. Don't use anything with metal in it as that can react with the milk proteins.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Scald Milk
    You will see small bubbles appear across the entire body of milk, but you don't want to let those little bubbles progress to a roiling boil (like you see when you boil water for pasta).[4]
    • Make sure to place the pan onto a heat resistant surface. You can move it to another part of the stove, or put it onto a hot pad or trivet on the counter.
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Things You'll Need

Scalding in the Microwave

  • Measuring cup
  • Microwave safe bowl
  • Wooden chopstick or bamboo skewer
  • Wooden or silicone spoon
  • Candy thermometer
  • Oven mitts or hot pads

Using the Stovetop

  • Heavy saucepan
  • Measuring cup
  • Candy thermometer
  • Wooden or silicone spoon

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