How to Be a Mature Preteen Online

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 00:20
If you're a preteen, you might worry that people will be unkind or talk down to you on the Internet due to your age. However, it is entirely possible to avoid this by acting mature online. Being mature takes some practice, and you'll need...
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If you're a preteen, you might worry that people will be unkind or talk down to you on the Internet due to your age. However, it is entirely possible to avoid this by acting mature online. Being mature takes some practice, and you'll need to take a lot into consideration, but eventually, it will become second nature. You will also have higher self esteem.


  1. Step 1 Never bully.
    Bullying is the number one sign of immaturity. Sometimes it can take time to learn to deal with conflicts effectively, but learning to refrain from bullying other people online will help you seem more mature online and will also help you in the long run. A good way to start is by figuring out what qualifies as bullying. Think about online bullying on your terms, not someone else. Bullying means something different to everyone, but in general, it means being mean in any way.
    • If you feel tempted to bully someone online, think of tactics to help you restrain. Distance yourself as much as possible from the person bothering you, take a deep breath, and step away from the keyboard to calm down.
    • Think before you post. Be sure to be as kind as possible, and don't write a message when you're angry. If it will help you release some of your anger, it's okay to type a mean message to someone. Just make sure you don't post it. If you are about to post a message, think about what it says and how those words could be interpreted before you post.
    • If you are the one being bullied, realize that it's not your fault. Often people bully because they have low self-esteem. So don't beat yourself up about it. Just ignore it, save it, or tell an adult.
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  • Some people will always be rude and you can't control that. The only thing you can control is how you react.
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