How to Become a Trustworthy Person

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 00:20
Being trustworthy is admirable and desirable. It's a trait other people look for in a person and it's confirmation that you're reliable, supportive and honest. If you'd like to become more trustworthy and have others come to rely on you,...
Table of contents

Being trustworthy is admirable and desirable. It's a trait other people look for in a person and it's confirmation that you're reliable, supportive and honest. If you'd like to become more trustworthy and have others come to rely on you, there are some great ways to go about doing this.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Being a positive force

  1. Step 1 Be of good character.
    Have more than good intentions in life. While it's nice to mean well, it's far better to show people that you're a person who is reliable, tries their best at all times and thinks clearly. Meaning well can end in all sorts of problems, including excusing oneself for failure to follow through. On the other hand, good character lets other people know that you have traits they can always rely upon.
    • Actions prove far more than words. Good character is forged in good, caring and thoughtful actions.
  2. Step 3 Be honest.
    Be honest in everything you do. Honesty is the keystone to people knowing where they stand with you. Honesty includes having good manners though; when being frank, at least be polite. Sometimes it is necessary to sugarcoat the truth so that its bitter pill is swallowed with greater ease.[3]
    • Some honesty can be hard but is still essential. For example: Your least favorite coworker has spinach stuck in his teeth after a work function. Do you tell him? Of course you do. He deserves to know that. Your arch enemy has her skirt tucked into her knickers after visiting the bathroom. Do you tell her? Of course you do. She deserves to know that. You may have qualms because you initially think it's funny, payback or just desserts but realize that by being honest here, you gain respect from people who would otherwise be thorns in your side. They owe you one and know you are someone solid. Even in hard situations always tell the truth.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Ridding yourself of negative behaviors

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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Staying trustworthy

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  • Trust takes years to build but mere seconds to destroy. Always think carefully before acting in haste.
    Helpful 94 Not Helpful 7
  • Half truths are whole lies. Omissions are often lies too.
    Helpful 77 Not Helpful 6
  • Don't let your friends tell you who you want to be. Such friends will get you back to gossiping in no time. Quietly tell them off and move on. And realize that in some cases, if friends fall behind, your role model behavior will cause them to catch up.
    Helpful 55 Not Helpful 9

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