How to Carry out Sensory Evaluation

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 01:09
Sensory evaluation is the process of using your senses to judge a food product. This can be done for fun or for marketing purposes to predict potential customers' tastes. By examining the food's appearance, tasting the food and creating an...
Table of contents

Sensory evaluation is the process of using your senses to judge a food product. This can be done for fun or for marketing purposes to predict potential customers' tastes. By examining the food's appearance, tasting the food and creating an ideal environment for the evaluation, you can get information about a given food and how people perceive it.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Examining the Food’s Appearance

  1. Step 1 Look at the food to determine the color.
    Examine the food with your eyes. If it is in a test container, remove it so you can get a better look at the color. Write down what color you perceive the food to be. It can be helpful to note if the color is light or intense and whether the color seems pure or muddy.
    • Note if the color is consistent throughout or not.[1]
    • Note if any liquids are transparent or not.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Tasting the Food

  1. Step 3 Taste the food to experience the flavor.
    Take another bite, and move the food over your tongue. Certain areas of your tongue are most attuned to sweet, while others are more attuned to salt or sour, so this will help you experience all the flavors this food offers. Note if the food tastes the way it smelled, or different. Write down your impressions of the food’s taste, not just good or bad, but at least five phrases that would help you characterize it if you were trying to remember it in the future. [9]
    • Rate the sweetness, savoriness, sourness, and spiciness of the food. If you like, you can do so on a scale of 1-10.
    • When tasting a food, it can be helpful to think about what’s pleasing about it and what you would change about it.
    • Note the aftertaste, if any.
    • For example, when tasting certain lasagna, you might note that it tastes like fresh tomatoes, pecorino cheese and too much oregano. Maybe it reminds you of a bad lasagna you had in a frozen dinner once because it has some sweetness you do not like (5/10). You could also note it is not spicy and not sour. The lasagna is dry and could use more tomato sauce.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Creating an Ideal Tasting Environment

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