How to Celebrate Rosh Hashanah

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 01:13
Rosh Hashanah is an important religious holiday that celebrates the Jewish New Year. Typically occurring in September or October of each year, it is observed for two days by most Jews, and features a number of unique customs. Rosh Hashanah...
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Rosh Hashanah is an important religious holiday that celebrates the Jewish New Year. Typically occurring in September or October of each year, it is observed for two days by most Jews, and features a number of unique customs.[1]

Rosh Hashanah 2023 lasts from the evening of Friday the 15th of September to the evening of Sunday the 17th of September.[2]


  1. Step 1 Reflect...
    Reflect on your past and contemplate your future. Rosh Hashanah is Hebrew for "Head of the Year."[3] It is considered to be the birthday of the world, and hence is the Jewish New Year. Rosh Hashanah is a time to learn from your mistakes of the past year, and to think about how you can improve yourself in the future. It is also a time to make personal resolutions both large and small.
  2. Step 2 Visit the mikvah
    (Hebrew for a ritual bath) on the eve of Rosh Hashanah. This will help cleanse you spiritually for the upcoming holiday.[4]
  3. Step 3 Attend Rosh Hashanah services at your synagogue.
    People often dress up for this very important High Holiday, so think formal to business casual attire.
  4. Step 4 Listen to the shofar.
    This is the only commandment directly referenced in the Torah regarding the observation of the holiday. The shofar is a ram's horn. It is blown during the service by the "Ba'al Tekiah", or shofar blower. It is a symbol of spiritual awakening and reflection.[5] As we do not know exactly how the shofar was blown in the ancient Temple, four different blasts are given to ensure that the shofar is heard properly for each new year:
    • Tekiah: One blast, a few seconds long, that ends abruptly.
    • Shevarim: Three one-to-two-second short blasts that rapidly scoop from low to high in pitch.
    • Teruah: Nine short, rapid blasts.
    • Tekiah Gedolah: This is one long, continuous blast, traditionally held for nine counts, but in progressive communities it is often held as long as possible.
  5. Step 5 Observe Tashlikh (Hebrew:
    "casting off"),[6] which is the process of going to a flowing body of water and emptying your pockets into the body of water. Most people throw stale breadcrumbs. This is observed on the first afternoon of Rosh Hashanah.
  6. Step 6 Say the Rosh Hashanah blessings for the candles, wine, and challah (Hebrew:
    "bread"). The challah is round on Rosh Hashanah to symbolize the cycle of the year..
  7. Step 7 Eat apples dipped in honey.
    Apples dipped in honey is a traditional food as well. This tradition signifies the hope for "A Sweet New Year" due to the sweetness of the honey.[7] Another common Rosh Hashanah food is the pomegranate. According to Jewish tradition, a pomegranate contains 613 seeds representing the 613 Commandments. This signifies the hope for a fruitful new year ahead.
  8. Step 8 Know that when Rosh Hashanah falls on Shabbat, the Shofar will not be blown.
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Things You'll Need

  • High Holiday prayer book
  • Candles and candlesticks
  • Wine and kiddush cup
  • Challah

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