How to Have a Good General Healthy Body

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 01:13
Maintaining your health is important. It's not easy to find time to exercise, avoid stress, eat well, sleep enough and attend to any health issues that crop up whilst living you life. Your diet, exercise, and behavioral choices can have a...
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Maintaining your health is important. It's not easy to find time to exercise, avoid stress, eat well, sleep enough and attend to any health issues that crop up whilst living you life. Your diet, exercise, and behavioral choices can have a significant effect on your health. If you have a poor or unhealthy diet, you may run the risk of weight gain, malnutrition, increased risk of chronic diseases (like diabetes or high blood pressure) and a shortened life span. If you're not active regularly, you may also run the risk of gaining weight and miss out on the many benefits of exercise. If you smoke, don't manage stress, or don't sleep well, you again can run the risk of having negative side effects on your health. Maintaining a generally healthy body will require you to make sure you're making healthy choices in multiple areas of your life.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Practicing Healthy Eating Habits

  1. Step 1 Monitor calories...
    Monitor calories. To have a generally healthy body, you should try to maintain a healthy weight. If you're overweight or underweight you are not maintaining a generally healthy body.
    • Calories are a unit of measurement. Calories come from the food and drink you consume. They are the unit of measure for energy used to fuel your bodily functions and activities throughout the day.[1]
    • If you consume too many calories, you may run the risk of gaining weight. If you do not eat enough calories, you may damage your heart.[2] The American diet is based on a 2,000 calorie-per-day diet.
    • You may need to change how many calories you eat daily to match your body's needs and to maintain a healthy weight. To lose weight, it is considered safe to cut 500 calories from your diet and aim to lose about one to two pounds per week.
    • Use an online calculator or smartphone app to find out how many calories your body needs. A good rule of thumb is that a moderately active adult needs about 15 calories per pound to maintain her weight.[3] Track calories to see if your current diet meets your needs.
  2. Step 2 Eat a well-balanced...
    Eat a well-balanced diet. Having a well-balanced diet is one of the most important parts of maintaining a generally healthy body. Without a balanced diet, it'll be very difficult to maintain proper health.
    • A balanced diet means that you consume foods from each food group most, if not every day.
    • In addition, you should consume a variety of foods within each food group. Having a wide variety of foods from food groups will allow you to consume a variety of different nutrients.
    • Lastly, a balanced diet means eating the right proportions or servings of each food.[4] If you mostly eat foods that are high in protein and don't eat many fruits or vegetables, your diet isn't balanced. Following the appropriate portion sizes of each food group: 3-4 oz (card deck sized) of protein,[5] 1 cup of vegetables or 2 cups of leafy greens,[6] 1/2 cup of chopped fruit or one small piece of fruit,[7] and 1 oz or 1/2 cup of grains.[8]
    • Balance your meals and snacks during the day. Aim for three to four servings of protein daily, five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables, and three to four servings of grains (1/2 being whole).[9]
    • Try intermittent fasting to help you control your eating habits. Try to avoid eating food 3–4 hours before you go bed and wait 2–3 hours after you wake up to have breakfast.
  3. Step 4 Make half of your meals fruits or vegetables.
    Fruits and vegetables are two of the most important food groups. These foods contain the highest amount of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.[12]
    • High amounts of fruits and vegetables in the diet have been associated with a variety of beneficial effects on your general health including decreased blood pressure, better management of blood sugar and diabetes, decreased risk of stroke and heart disease, prevent some types of cancers and decrease the risk of blindness.[13]
    • Another thing to note about fruits and vegetables is that each color of vegetable or fruit contains different types of beneficial nutrients. In addition to eating adequate servings each day, make sure to choose a variety of different colors of items.[14]
    • Smoothies make a great and healthy breakfast, just not every single day.
  4. Step 7 Drink adequate amounts...
    Drink adequate amounts of water. Water is a vital nutrient in your diet and plays many important roles in your body. If you do not consume enough hydrating fluids each day, you run the risk of being dehydrated.[19] Most adults need at least eight 8-oz glasses of hydrating fluids daily. However, some experts recommend consuming up to 10–13 glasses daily.[20]
    • Sipping hot water throughout the day can also help you detox.
    • If you are physically active or perspire a lot during the day or during physical activity, you'll need to replace the fluid lost in addition to your regular daily intake.[21]
    • Consume caffeine-free and sugar-free beverages, as these are the healthiest and most hydrating. Items like water, flavored water, decaf coffee, and decaf tea are appropriate.
    • Dehydration has many negative side effects ranging from very minimal issues to more serious health effects. Some include: fatigue, mental fogginess, headaches, mood swings, kidney stones, and urinary tract infections.[22]
  5. Step 8 Take vitamin and mineral supplements.
    Some health and nutrition experts may recommend taking a daily multivitamin. These "all-in-one" supplements can serve as a back up to the days you do not eat a healthy diet or are unable to meet all of your nutrient needs through foods.[23] You can also look into taking supplements for vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, and magnesium.
    • Supplements may also be beneficial for those with food allergies or intolerances, are very picky eaters, or have dietary restrictions (like vegetarians or vegans).
    • Supplements are not designed to replace food or to make up the majority of nutrient needs. Those who eat a healthy diet generally do not need to take supplements. In addition, if you have a healthy diet and lifestyle, vitamin supplements will not improve your health, cure, or improve disease. They are only there as a backup.[24]
    • Always talk to your doctor about what supplements may be appropriate for you — supplements can interact with medications and are not always safe for everyone. Also, inform all physicians of what supplements you're taking, how much, and how often.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Maintaining a Healthy Body with Exercise

  1. Step 1 Include enough cardio exercises.
    Cardiovascular or aerobic exercises are a very important part of a healthy lifestyle and generally healthy body.
    • There are a huge amount of health benefits associated with regular and consistent exercise. Some include: improved mood, improved sleep quality, improves circulation, helps manage a healthy weight, decreases blood pressure and risk for stroke, manages and controls insulin, improves blood lipid and cholesterol levels, boosts energy and can help improve your self-image.[25]
    • Health experts recommend getting at least 150 minutes of cardio activity each week (or 30 minutes five times a week). You can increase benefits by getting 300 minutes of aerobic activity each week (or one hour five times a week).[26]
    • Include a variety of activities each week. Exercises to try include: walking, jogging/running, dancing, swimming, aerobics classes, biking, or hiking.
    • Reader Poll: We asked 343 wikiHow readers, and 59% agreed that exercise and physical activity isn’t just great for bodily health—it’s also the most fulfilling way to practice self-care. [Take Poll]
  2. Step 2 Do one to three days of strength training.
    The counterpart to regular aerobic exercise is strength training or resistance exercise. These activities help build and support lean muscle mass in addition to providing other health benefits.[27] Strength training and adding muscle can even increase your metabolism and help you lose weight.
    • Regular strength training has many benefits outside of building stronger muscles. Regular weight-bearing exercise helps decrease your risk of osteoporosis by making your bones stronger and denser.[28]
    • Incorporate variations into your workout so you’re not doing the same routine every day. You can try high-intensity interval training or 7-minute workouts in the morning.
    • Experts recommend doing about two days of strength training each week. It's important to work every major muscle group including arms, chest, back, core, and legs. Lift free weights, use weight machines, or do weight-bearing activities like yoga or pilates.
    • Separate each strength training day with at least one day of rest for all your muscles to recover and repair efficiently.[29]
  3. Step 3 Move more throughout the day.
    In addition to both strength training and planned cardiovascular exercise, it's also important to just move more throughout the day or include more baseline activity. Although these types of activities aren't huge calorie burners, they also have a significant amount of positive health side effects.
    • Baseline activities refer to any exercise or activity that you do on a regular basis. This could be yard work or household chores, taking the stairs, or walking throughout the day.
    • Try incorporating things like yoga, stretching, or barre into your routine to keep you moving during the day.
    • There have been studies that show that after even one or two hours of sitting there are negative side effects including reduced blood flow, decreased calorie burn and more difficulty manage chronic conditions (like high blood pressure or diabetes).[30]
    • In addition to just moving more, some health experts even recommend getting up for just a few minutes about every hour.[31]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Making Changes to Your Lifestyle

  1. Step 4 Manage stress...
    Manage stress. Chronic low-grade stress is very common today. It may not seem like it can have a negative effect on your health or body, but it actually has a major impact. Make sure you take some time for yourself to relax, such as taking a bath with Epsom salts or sitting in a sauna.
    • Stress can cause a variety of adverse health issues including inadequate sleep, weight gain or weight loss, mood swings, fatigue/exhaustion, and many more.[40]
    • Managing stress is very important when you want to maintain general health. There are a variety of things you can do to help manage your stress including talk to a friend or family member, go for a walk, meditate or do yoga, take a short nap, or listen to your favorite music.
    • Make some time to get outside and get some fresh air every day.
    • Reach out to your friends and family to stay connected with them when you’re feeling dressed out.
    • If you're having more difficulty managing stress, consider seeing a therapist for additional help.
  2. Step 5 Weigh yourself...
    Weigh yourself. Your weight is a big determinant of whether you have a generally healthy body. Being either overweight or underweight is not healthy and can contribute to adverse health effects.[41]
    • Get on the scale and get your weight. Most experts suggest weighing yourself once a week, at the same time of day (right when you wake up is best), wearing the same clothing (or naked). If you are trying to lose weight, you may want to step on the scale about three times a week.[42]
    • If your weight is either too low or too high, consider making appropriate changes in your diet, exercise routine, or lifestyle to help support a more healthy weight.
    • You may also want to track your BMI, waist circumference, or body fat percentage to get a more accurate picture of whether or not you're at a healthy weight for your age, gender, and body type.
    • Remember that weight is constantly in flux, and your weight can change throughout the day and month based on many different variables (menstrual cycle for women, what you ate, if you are dehydrated, etc.).[43]
  3. Step 6 Visit your doctor regularly.
    One of the most important parts of maintaining a generally healthy body is meeting with your primary care physician or other physicians. These doctors can help you manage any current health conditions you have but also be able to help you prevent any chronic health conditions you may be at risk for.
    • You should meet with your primary care, dentist, OB/GYN, or any other doctor at least one to two times a year. Going even when you're healthy is important so that a particular doctor can get a healthy baseline for your body.
    • Consider seeing a registered dietitian. You may also want to consider seeing a registered dietitian. These health professionals can guide you towards a healthy diet to help you maintain health or improve it.
    • Think about meeting with a life coach or therapist. Many times maintaining a healthy diet or exercise plan is easy. It maintains the stresses of life that can be more difficult. If you find that you cannot manage stress or are not happy, consider meeting a life coach or therapist to help you manage your emotions more appropriately.
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