How to Practice Proper Bowling Etiquette

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 01:11
Proper bowling etiquette is important for many reasons. First off, it helps make the game a more enjoyable experience for everyone involved, whether you are just having fun with friends or on a league. Second, it helps keep everyone and...
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Proper bowling etiquette is important for many reasons. First off, it helps make the game a more enjoyable experience for everyone involved, whether you are just having fun with friends or on a league. Second, it helps keep everyone and everything safe. Read this article if you'd like to know how you can have proper bowling etiquette next time you go out bowling.

Things You Should Know

  • To help take care of the bowling area, always wear bowling shoes and only eat or drink in designated areas.
  • Be polite—take your turn promptly, stay off the approach unless it's your turn to bowl, and don't swear or shout if you have a bad roll.
  • It's good manners to follow all of the rules of the game, like only using your lane, asking permission before you use someone else's ball, and waiting for the pins to fully set before you bowl.
  • If you and another person are ready to bowl at the same time, the person on the right should go first, and the other person should wait until they're finished before they bowl.
Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

General Etiquette Tips

  1. Step 1 Wear bowling shoes at all times while in the bowler's area.
    If you wear street shoes, you risk ruining the approaches and/or the equipment.
    • When you are putting your bowling shoes on, be sure that you move them as far away from walkways as possible, to avoid anyone tripping on them.
    • If your street shoes are wet or dirty, be sure that you take them off as far away from the lanes as possible. If you track water, mud, or anything else onto the lanes, then you run the risk of you or someone else falling flat on their face.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

When You Are Bowling

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  • Clean up any garbage at the end. Whether it be a cup, a bunch of napkins or even uneaten food, throw it away. This will prevent the workers at the lane from having to clean up a mess someone else made. If you don't know where any trash cans are, politely ask a worker, and they will usually tell you.
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  • Giving tips to other bowlers you are with is fine, but avoid being overbearing. Being overbearing may cause them to get annoyed, and it may actually distract them when they are throwing their ball down the lane.
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  • If you have young children with you, make sure they exercise common courtesy. They may not fully understand that the bowler to their right must go first, but at least try to keep them from being overly rowdy and distracting the other people at the bowling alley.
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  • Whether you are going to have someone bowl for you or not, be sure to alert a member of your group if you are using the restroom. It saves time because they won't wonder where you are. If you don't want someone to bowl for you, be sure to mention that too.
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