How to Prepare for and Enjoy an Amusement Park

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 01:10
Many people love amusement parks. If you're planning an amusement park visit, planning ahead can be helpful to ensure that you and everyone in your group has a great time. This wikiHow will not only help you figure out how to plan an...
Table of contents

Many people love amusement parks. If you're planning an amusement park visit, planning ahead can be helpful to ensure that you and everyone in your group has a great time. This wikiHow will not only help you figure out how to plan an amusement park visit, but it will also teach you how to have a great time while you're there.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Planning Your Visit

  1. Step 1 Do some research.
    Have you gone to this park before? If not, research beforehand. Make sure that there are attractions that you and anyone else visiting the amusement park with you will like. If there isn't, consider a different amusement park.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Deciding What to Wear

  1. Step 1 Consider the weather.
    Around a week before your trip, search online for "Weather in _____(the name of the city where the amusement park is located)". This should give you a pretty good idea of what to expect weather-wise and help you plan your outfit.
    • It's a good idea to consider bringing a sweatshirt with you regardless of the forecasted weather, especially if you'll be at the amusement park later in the day, in case it gets colder.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Choosing What to Bring

  1. Step 1 Make sure you have a backpack/string bag.
    These can be helpful for carrying around everything you'll need for your time in the amusement park.
  2. 3
    Bring snacks and water with you. Especially if you plan on spending the whole day in the park, having some snacks and water on hand can be helpful, since these may be expensive inside the park.
    • Check the rules and regulations ahead of time, since many amusement parks have rules regarding bringing outside food and beverages into the park. If outside food and beverages are not allowed inside the park, see if you are allowed to keep these in your vehicle, so you can exit the park and then re-enter once you're finished with your snacks and water.
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    Take rain ponchos with you. These can be expensive in the park[1] , and they are helpful in the event that it rains.
  4. 7
    Avoid overpacking. You'll likely be carrying most of what you bring around in the backpack or string bag mentioned earlier, so try and avoid overpacking so that you aren't carrying around too much.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Enjoying Your Time in the Park

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  • If you are a senior, take it easy and avoid going on the faster rides.
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  • Always obey park regulations and signs. If you have had a heart attack before or have a medical condition that makes things such as flashing lights and fast movement dangerous to you, avoid relevant rides.
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  • If you are pregnant, avoid most rides. Only go on slow, safe rides like Teacup rides.
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  • If you are overweight, ride restraints may not properly fit or hold you. Don't take any risks.
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  • Never go into an off-limits area. These are usually places where rides swing and move, and people can get injured or killed from being in such a place while the ride is operating. Even if you think it's safe, fences and signs are there for a reason. Forget your lost hat and stay out.
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  • Always fasten your restraints properly before any ride begins. Similar to what was mentioned earlier, if you have trouble, inform a ride attendant immediately.
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  • Make sure that your restraint is fully secured on all rides and that you feel safe. If you don't, inform a ride attendant immediately.
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  • Be sure that you keep a close eye on any children in your group.
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  • Never bring cameras on rides to record point-of-view videos. This is against the policies of most amusement parks, and if you drop your camera it could injure someone.
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Things You'll Need

  • Money and/or amusement park ticket
  • Lightweight clothes
  • Lightweight bag
  • A lot of water
  • Food (if allowed)
  • Thermos/water bottle
  • Sunscreen (regardless of the season or weather)
  • A waterproof jacket (for water rides)
  • Rain poncho (for rain/water rides)

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