How to Care for Sea Monkeys

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 01:15
Sea monkeys are not actually monkeys and they do not live in the sea. In fact, sea monkeys are a hybrid breed of brine shrimp created in the 1950s that soon became popular as easy to care for pets and an easy, nutritious live food for...

Sea monkeys are not actually monkeys and they do not live in the sea. In fact, sea monkeys are a hybrid breed of brine shrimp created in the 1950s that soon became popular as easy to care for pets and an easy, nutritious live food for fish. [1] Sea monkeys are hatched in unchlorinated saltwater and usually appear within 24 hours. They will then develop into tiny translucent shrimp with tails that vaguely resemble the tail of a monkey.[2] Sea monkeys are low maintenance pets, but you need to keep the water clean and well-oxygenated at all times.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Setting Up the Tank

  1. Step 1 Use a clean, plastic container.
    Many sea monkey kits will come with small plastic tanks you can use to hatch and house your sea monkeys. If your kit did not come with a small plastic tank, you can use a clean plastic container that can hold at least two liters of water. Look for a container that has a deep base, as sea monkeys often enjoy swimming around at the base area of their tanks.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Feeding the Sea Monkeys

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Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Maintaining the Tank

  1. Step 1 Aerate the tank water twice a day.
    Your sea monkeys need oxygen to live happily in their tank. If they become oxygen deprived, they may turn a pinkish color and appear slow-moving or tired. To ensure the water has enough oxygen, you should aerate the tank twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. You can use an air pump to aerate the water, such as an air pump used in small aquariums. Stick the air pump in the water and let it aerate the tank for at least one minute, twice a day.
    • Another option is to use a small turkey baster to aerate the tank. You can squeeze the turkey baster in the air and then put it in the water and release the air to put more oxygen in the water. Pull the turkey baster in and out of the water, placing air in the water, for at least one minute, twice a day.
    • To make your own air bubbler: Take a pipette that you aren't planning on using for anything else. Poke a hole in the very top, then poke many tiny holes in the squirting-out end. Either use a pin or staple it several times from different angles with a stapler, then remove the staples.
    • If you do not want to remember to aerate the tank twice a day, you can place a small live plant in the sea monkeys’ tank to provide oxygen in the water. Use an underwater aquarium plant that is known to provide good oxygen underwater.
  2. Step 3 Do not change the water unless it smells very foul or appears cloudy.
    Green algae in the tank is a good thing, as the algae acts as food and provides oxygen for your sea monkeys. But if you notice the tank smells really bad and the water appears dark and cloudy, you may need to clean the tank and the water.
    • You will need a coffee filter and a clean glass filled with unchlorinated saltwater. Use a net to take the sea monkeys out of the tank and place them in the clean glass with water.
    • Place the coffee filter over a clean tank and run the tank water through the coffee filter several times. Try to filter out as much of the gunk in the water as possible.
    • You can use a paper towel to clean out the bottom and sides of the tank. You can also use a Q-tip to clean out any gunk in the crevices of the tank.
    • Smell the tank water to check that it no longer smells foul. Then, put the water back in the tank, followed by the sea monkeys. Top up the tank water with purified, room temperature water. Feed your sea monkeys and aerate the tank several times throughout the day. Then, feed them again five days later, per their usual feeding schedule.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Ensuring the Sea Monkeys are Healthy and Happy

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