15 Unmistakable Signs That Your Twin Flame is Thinking About You

Thứ sáu - 26/04/2024 23:11
Recognizing your connection, even when you're separated Your twin flame is someone who shares your soul. Together, you're complete. That profound connection also means that you may feel inexplicably linked to your twin flame, even when...
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Your twin flame is someone who shares your soul. Together, you’re complete. That profound connection also means that you may feel inexplicably linked to your twin flame, even when you’re separated or haven’t met each other yet. We’ll give you the 15 most powerful signs that your twin flame is thinking of you and sparking that connection, so that you’re able to recognize their presence in your life.

Things You Should Know

  • Your twin flame may be thinking about you if you get a strong gut feeling that they’re present, or they keep popping into your mind throughout your day.
  • Your twin flame might also enter your dreams or lend you sudden bursts of inspiration when you cross their mind.
  • Feelings of déjà vu or hearing inexplicable voices may be signs of a telepathic connection to your twin flame.

You feel their spiritual presence.

  1. You get a distinct feeling your twin flame is there with you.
    Sometimes the strongest sign is one you can’t explain. It’s not a physical or even emotional sensation, but a strong gut feeling: your twin flame is reaching out. They’re here with you, if not physically, then spiritually. That gut feeling is usually right, and is a sure sign that your twin flame is thinking about you.[1]
    • That gut feeling is also sometimes a sign that your twin flame has feelings of deep love for you. Love itself is often a gut feeling, after all.
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They mirror your actions.

  1. You do something at the exact same time.
    If you’ve already met your twin flame but have since become separated, you might still notice that you’re doing things at the same time. You might both post on social media at the same moment, or send each other a text with the exact same timestamp. You’re universally linked, and often that link comes through in your simultaneous actions.
    • If you haven’t met your twin flame yet, this feeling may manifest as the distinct notion that you just did something twice. It’s not quite déjà vu, but rather a doubling or an intensification of an act.

They’re in your dreams.

  1. Your twin flame appears in your unconscious thoughts.
    Twin flames often show up in your dreams when they’re trying to manifest you into their own lives.[2] As you sleep, you might meet someone you feel like you know, or who you’ve known for a long time. That’s usually your twin flame! You’re connecting across the dreamscape in order to find each other.
    • This also sometimes manifests as a feeling of loss right after you wake up. It’s like you’ve just met someone very important, but now that you’re awake you can’t see them (but you will soon!).
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They pop into your head at random times.

  1. Your twin flame enters your thoughts to communicate.
    It’s kind of like a fainter version of telepathy. Your twin flame, or even just the thought of a twin flame, enters your head out of nowhere. When this happens, your own spirit is receiving their spirit’s energies across space and time, and you feel more connected to them than ever.[3]
    • Take note: this is a sign you’re in the early stages of a twin flame relationship. You and your twin flame are yearning and reaching out for each other.

They physically reconnect with you.

  1. You and your twin flame find each other again.
    If you’ve already met your twin flame, then you probably know that you’re bound to meet them again and again. You’re spiritually inseparable, after all. If you reconnect in-person or online, then it means that your mutual desire to see each other again manifested another meeting. Take advantage of it!
    • Use this as an opportunity to catch up and tell your twin flame all about your life since you last saw them. Chances are, they’ll have uncannily similar experiences.
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You feel inspired by them.

  1. Thoughts of your twin flame influence your actions.
    When you think of your twin flame throughout your day, you may find that you do things you might not have done otherwise.[4] Maybe you treat yourself to a latte because it’s what your twin flame would do. Or you decide to take a walk in the rain, because you can imagine your twin flame out there twirling an umbrella. They’re probably doing the same thing, inspired by your own actions!
    • This is just another example of the many ways your twin flame pushes your to grow spiritually, urging you toward new and exciting experiences.

You want the best for them.

  1. You find yourself sending them good vibes.
    You and your twin flame mirror each other, even if you haven’t met. So when you find yourself thinking of them and wishing the best for them, you can count on the fact that they’re doing the same thing for you at that very moment. They’re supporting you from afar, even if they’re not in your life just then.
    • Having good vibes in general is a great way to attract your twin flame and let them know that you’re nearby.
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Your emotions overpower you.

  1. Your twin flame channels your intense emotions.
    Sometimes, when you and your twin flame experience the same emotions at the same time, those emotions feed off each other. This results in even more intense happiness, anger, yearning, etc. This is especially true if you feel a heightened sense of passion or intimacy—your twin flame may be yearning to be near you.[5]
    • Those feelings of passion may also be a sign your twin flame is thinking of you sexually. Though they’re different from a soulmate, your twin flame can still establish sexual bonds with you.

You suddenly feel confident.

  1. Your twin flame is supporting you from afar.
    Your twin flame sends you good vibes, but they also send you a sense of self-confidence. After all, 2 heads are better than 1, and knowing that you’ve got your twin flame cheering for you can go a long way toward boosting your own self-esteem and sense of accomplishment.[6]
    • This often manifests as a “flow state,” or a feeling of being totally “in it” when you’re doing something you’re good at.
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You feel inexplicably calm.

  1. Your twin flame sends you their comforting presence.
    When your emotions are blazing and your heart is racing, then suddenly everything seems to slow down and calm, it could be that your twin flame is reaching out. They may have sensed your distress and focused their own thoughts in order to bring you comfort and peace.[7]
    • You might sometimes feel your twin flame’s own heightened emotions if you feel inexplicably angry or sad. Return the favor by calming yourself with a few deep breaths; your twin flame will thank you.

You have inexplicable physical sensations.

  1. Your twin flame’s energy gives you chills or goosebumps.
    Butterflies or in your stomach or light-headedness are also common signs your twin flame is communicating with you. Your twin flame may be going through something that’s making them physically excited and want to share that experience, and those physical sensations are being passed to you.[8]
    • Of course, if you experience chronic painful symptoms like headaches or nausea, see a doctor—it’s what your twin flame would want.
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Your tarot cards tell you.

  1. Certain tarot cards indicate twin flame communication.
    You don’t have to sit around and wait for your twin flame to communicate. Turn to the cards for answers! Perform a tarot reading with your twin flame front and center of your mind. Drawing cards like the Two of Cups or Two of wands are surefire signs your twin flame is thinking of you.
    • Also, the Four of Wands card foretells a reunion with your twin flame, while The World indicates that they’re manifesting your meeting.

You experience déjà vu.

  1. You channel your twin flame’s experiences.
    Ever had the feeling that you’ve done something before, but you can’t remember when? You may be receiving your twin flame’s experiences. Sometimes, when they think of you, a channel opens and moments from their own life leak through, causing you that signature sensation that you’ve been there before, even when you’re certain you haven’t.
    • Also, déjà rêvé, or the feeling you may have already dreamed something, could be you experiencing your twin flame’s dreams.
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You keep seeing angel numbers.

  1. Your twin flame is sending you numerological messages.
    Angel numbers are numbers that you see again and again as a sign that something—or someone—is trying to send you a message. It may be your twin flame! You might see 1111, or maybe you spot 2121. These are classic angel numbers that mean your twin flame is thinking of you.[9]
    • Also, the numbers 333 and 888 tend to mean that you and your twin flame’s energy is totally in sync.

You feel a telepathic connection.

  1. You hear your twin flame’s voice or feel their touch.
    You’ll know a telepathic connection when you feel it. They come in the form of voices from nowhere, or the feeling of someone brushing against your arm, even when nobody is anywhere near you.[10] This is often a sign that your twin flame is nearby and thinking about you, or that you’re about to meet them sometime soon.
    • You might also get the sense that someone is watching you, or feel sudden electrical shocks. Both are common signs of twin flame telepathy.
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