How to Care for a Bird

How to Care for a Bird

 01:14 27/04/2024

Birds are extremely social by nature, and thrive on company, nurturing, and frequent interaction. Many species of birds make fun, engaging pets. If you're considering bird ownership, the care requirements include providing good housing,...
How to Treat an Allergic Reaction to Insect Bites

How to Treat an Allergic Reaction to Insect Bites

 01:13 27/04/2024

Bug bites are common, especially in the summer months or if you spend a lot of time outdoors. Typically, you'll see a small red bump. It might hurt a little or itch, and that's it. But if you have an allergic reaction, these symptoms can...
How to Make a Cover Page

How to Make a Cover Page

 01:13 27/04/2024

Easy instructions to make an exceptional cover page in different stylesMany professional and academic documents will require a cover page, but the information required for a cover page varies depending on the nature of the document. Some...
How to Scald Milk

How to Scald Milk

 01:13 27/04/2024

Scalded milk helps make breads, cakes, and other baked goods both light and fluffy. The process of scalding kills off the protein that's in milk, which helps the gluten to remain unbroken, and it aids the dissolving process of sugar and...
How to Rarely Get Sick

How to Rarely Get Sick

 01:13 27/04/2024

Tired of skipping days of school or work because you have a cold or a fever? Do you get the flu every year without fail? You hear about those real-life super humans who never get sick, but how do they do it? Well, it's not genetics (at...
How to Get a Little Healthier While Staying Just as Lazy

How to Get a Little Healthier While Staying Just as Lazy

 01:13 27/04/2024

Being healthier can be a huge challenge, especially if you don't have the time or the energy. But there are small changes you can make to your life where you can improve your health and still be lazy. Eat differently, exercise just a tiny...
How to Look Healthier

How to Look Healthier

 01:13 27/04/2024

Searching for some quick, easy ways to look healthier and vibrant? You've come to the right place. From skincare and hygiene tips to lifestyle and fashion advice, there are plenty of ways for you to both feel and look your best. We've put...
Infected Piercings: Treatment Options, Prevention & More

Infected Piercings: Treatment Options, Prevention & More

 01:13 27/04/2024

Everything you need to know to fight infected ear and body piercings to reduce pain and swelling at home You're loving the look of your new piercing, but your excitement turns to concern when you notice the initial redness and swelling...
How to Do an Indian Head Massage

How to Do an Indian Head Massage

 01:13 27/04/2024

The Indian head massage, also known by the portmanteau "champissage" (chämpi—the Indian word for massage in many dialects + massage), is based on the ancient Ayurvedic form of healing that dates back almost 4,000 years. It works the upper...
How to Practice Non Attachment

How to Practice Non Attachment

 01:13 27/04/2024

When we have something, we tend to fear losing it. Some of our attachments can be good for us, like love and appreciation for our families, and can motivate us to be our best. But, if we are not careful, some of our attachments can control...