How to Deal with Backstabbing Family

How to Deal with Backstabbing Family

 01:08 27/04/2024

Discovering that a family member has backstabbed you can hurt deeply, especially when family is so often associated with unconditional love. When a relative betrays your trust, it's important to think before you act, communicate honestly...
The 5 Love Languages of the Workplace: Can They Benefit You?

The 5 Love Languages of the Workplace: Can They Benefit You?

 00:20 27/04/2024

What your love language says about your work habitsLove languages. Those are strictly for romantic relationships, right? Well, not exactly. Believe it or not, your love language can influence how you communicate and interact with others...
How to Trim a Monstera Deliciosa

How to Trim a Monstera Deliciosa

 23:11 26/04/2024

Monstera deliciosa is instantly recognizable for its beautiful, holey leaves and vibrant green color. Since it's a vining plant, it can put on a lot of growth—up to ! If your plant monstera deliciosa is starting to take over your space,...