In 1959, Walt Disney released it's third Disney Princess movie, Sleeping Beauty. Sleeping Beauty is a beautiful tale of a young lady who has unknowingly been cursed as a baby by the evil fairy, Maleficent. She cursed that "before the sun...
Everyone always focuses on the dress, but the shoes you wear to your wedding are also an important choice. After all, you'll be on your feet during the ceremony, while you're taking photos, and when you're tearing up the dance floor at the...
People have been making song mixes since the technology was first available, and even now CD mixes are a common part of the culture. If you have never made a CD mix before, you may not know where to start, but the process will be easier...
Working in and eating from a home garden can do a lot to improve your overall health. Not only can you get much needed daily exercise, you can also create healthy meals thanks to your daily labor. If you are interested in improving your...
We all have histamines in our bodies, and normally they only cause minor seasonal allergies. However, you could be especially sensitive to these chemicals, which can cause real problems in your daily life. Since most histamines come from...
More than 11,000 people die at home each year as a result of preventable injuries such as falls, fires, drownings, and poisonings, according to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). By addressing a few, key issues around...
A monocular is like a small telescope. It is smaller and lighter than binoculars while packing the same power. To use a monocular, make sure that you keep a firm and proper grip on it while holding it up to your eye. You will localize and...
Picnics are a great way to bond with your significant other. It gives you time to talk to a person intimately while remaining in touch with nature. However, for some people, figuring out how to make it romantic can be a challenge....
Shipping food can be tricky, especially if you're sending something perishable, like refrigerated foods or baked goods. It's important to ship these foods out as quickly and efficiently as possible, or else they can start collecting...
Goober peas, groundnuts, Arachis hypogaea — whatever you want to call it, the peanut is actually a legume and it sure is good when it's ground up into peanut butter. Delicious, versatile, and perfect in its simplicity, peanut butter is one...