How to Apply for a Schengen Visa

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 00:20
The Schengen Agreement, originally created in 1985, abolished internal borders in certain European countries. In other words, it allowed citizens of those countries to move more freely; it also allowed a traveler to get a visa to one...
Table of contents

The Schengen Agreement, originally created in 1985, abolished internal borders in certain European countries. In other words, it allowed citizens of those countries to move more freely; it also allowed a traveler to get a visa to one country and travel freely throughout the Schengen area. Today, it includes much of Western Europe, minus the United Kingdom and Ireland, and parts of Eastern Europe.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Planning Your Trip

  1. Step 1 Check the visa requirements before booking your trip.
    Though you book your trip before you apply for a visa, you should check with that country's consulate before booking. You should make sure you will be able to satisfy all the requirements prior to booking.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Taking Initial Steps

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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Applying for the Visa

  1. Step 3 Gather your documents.
    You will need documents such as your passport, proof of residency, and a passport photo. You'll also need documents about your trip, such as a copy of your flight schedule and proof that your health insurance will cover you throughout the Schengen area, as well as documents that show why you're visiting. You also need to verify your employment and provide pay stubs from the last 3 months.
    • For a business trip, you'll need to get the company that's hosting you to provide a letter, as well as your own company. Both should state why you're visiting on business, and at least one should say who's paying for your trip and provide the place you're staying.
    • For a fun trip, you need information such as your hotel reservations, which includes the proper contact information for that hotel. You should also provide info if you're going on a tour.
    • If you're visiting people, you may need a special form to verify that. For instance, in The Netherlands, the form is called the Proof of Private Accommodation and/or Sponsorship, which the host needs to have certified by the Dutch City Hall. The country will also need a copy of that person's passport or residence permit.
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