How to Visit the Large Hadron Collider

Thứ bảy - 27/04/2024 00:20
The Large Hadron Collider is located in CERN on the Switzerland-French border. Most of the time, you can only visit the above ground facilities, and the Large Hadron Collider is located underground. However, once in a while, they do shut...
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The Large Hadron Collider is located in CERN on the Switzerland-French border. Most of the time, you can only visit the above ground facilities, and the Large Hadron Collider is located underground. However, once in a while, they do shut the collider down and open the area to the public, so you'll be able to visit that area. If you can't visit during that time, you'll still find plenty to see at other times of the year.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Booking a Tour

  1. Step 1 Check for EYETS dates.
    The Extended Year-End Technical stop (EYETS) is the only part of the year when the underground facilities are open for tours, including the Large Hadron Collider. These breaks are when the collider is shut down, and they generally happen just before Christmas.[1]
    • The best thing you can do is call the reception desk at +41 (0)22 767 76 76 or email them at to find out when the EYETS are.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Taking Your Tour

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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Taking Full Advantage of Your Tour

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